A “Service Mark” means service of any description which is made available to potential users and includes the provision of services in connection with business of any industrial or commercial matters such as Banking, Communication, Education, Financing, Insurance, Chit Funds, Real Estate, Transport, Storage, Material Treatment, Processing, Supply of Electrical […]
What is the importance of a Trade mark?
A Trade mark is much like that of a human being because the life of a trade mark may be correlated to the life of a human being. Every human being is to be named immediately after birth on this Earth and on the same line, every product is to […]
What are the Statutes enacted for Trade Mark Law in India?
In British India- Trade Marks Act, 1940 was enacted. After Independence, Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 was enacted by repealing the previous 1940 enactment. Trade Marks Act, 1999 came into force from 15th September 2003 onwards by repealing the previous 1958 enactment.
Whether a Trade Mark is a product of competitive economy?
Trade Mark is essentially a product of competitive economy where more than one person is competing for the manufacture of the same product which necessitates the marking of each manufacturer’s goods by a visual symbol, which distinguishes similar goods, made by others.
What is the evolution of Trade Mark Law?
The Concept of identifying source of manufacture by a mark is an ancient one but, its importance in commerce and trade was recognized only after the Industrial Revolution under which large-scale productions and distributions were made and publicity was done through the printing media. At present, it’s being done through […]
Whether the Principles of Intellectual Property are the same Internationally?
The principles of Intellectual Property Law are substantially same in all Countries but with variation to suit the National requirement of each Country. It plays a key role in the transfer of technology. Piracy of Intellectual Property has become international in character.
What does Intellectual Property mean?
The term “Intellectual Property” has internationally been recognized as covering Patents, Industrial Designs, Copyright, Trademarks and technical know-how and confidential information. It plays a crucial role in the development of Industry, Commerce and trade and in the growth of creative effort in almost every field of human effort. Further, it […]
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