By: Rajinder Kumar Gupta Proprietor Of Aggarwal Associates
Jams, Jellies, Milk & Milk Products; Preserved, Dried And Cooked Fruits And Vegetables; Nuts, Processed; Mustard Oil For Cooking, Soyabean Oil For Cooking, Cotton Seed Oil For Cooking, Sesame Oil For Cooking, Alsi Oil For Cooking, Sunflower Oil For Cooking, Pamolive Oil For Cooking; Vegetable Oil For Cooking; Rice Bran For Cooking; Palmolein Oil For Cooking; Canola Oil For Food; Pulses And Nuts Prepared For Human Consumption; Manioc Chips ; Kumara Chips ; Plantain Chips ; Cassava Chips ; Soya Chips ; Soy Chips ; Fruit Chips ; Potato Chips ; Yuca Chips ; Banana Chips ; Vegetable Chips ; Apple Chips ; Kale Chips ; Fish And Chips ; Low-fat Potato Chips ; Potato Chips Made From Sweet Potatoes; Potato-based Snacks ; Cassava-based Snacks ; Manioc-based Snacks ; Yuca-based Snacks ; Tofu-based Snacks ; Candied Fruit Snacks ; Bean-based Snack Foods ; Laver-based Snack Foods ; Soya-based Snack Foods ; Nut-based Snack Bars ; Seed-based Snack Bars ; Seed-based Snack Foods ; Fruit-based Snack Bars ; Insect-based Snack Bars ; Soy-based Snack Foods ; Nut-based Snack Foods ; Vegetable-based Snack Foods ; Fruit-based Snack Food ; Meat-based Snack Foods ; Potato-based Snack Foods ; Dried Fruit-based Snacks ; Dried Fruit-based Snack Bars ; Snack Foods Made From Meat ; Probiotic Milk-based Snack Bars ; Probiotic Seed-based Snack Bars; Meat, Fish, Poultry And Game; Preserved Fruits & Vegetables; Dried Fruits; Cashew Nuts, Processed; Toasted Nuts; Roasted Nuts; Seasoned Nuts; Shelled Nuts; Prepared Nuts; Processed Nuts; Blanched Nuts; Flavoured Nuts; Candied Nuts; Flavored Nuts; Prepared Cashew Nuts; Cashew Nuts, Prepared; Processed Pistachio Nuts; Pistachio Nuts, Processed; Pine Nuts, Prepared; Betel Nuts, Processed; Processed Pine Nuts; Pine Nuts, Processed; Processed Cashew Nuts; Roasted Cashew Nuts; Spiced Cashew Nuts
Trademark Details
This Brand Name AA FEBAL AND DEVICE is applied by Rajinder Kumar Gupta Proprietor Of Aggarwal Associates
This Trademark was applied on date 30 April 2021
This Application has been filed by their agent RAHUL RAJPUT.
Application No | 4961214 |
Filing Dte | 30-04-2021 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 2843619 |
Valid Until | 30-04-2031 |
Goods and Service | Jams, Jellies, Milk & Milk Products; Preserved, Dried And Cooked Fruits And Vegetables; Nuts, Processed; Mustard Oil For Cooking, Soyabean Oil For Cooking, Cotton Seed Oil For Cooking, Sesame Oil For Cooking, Alsi Oil For Cooking, Sunflower Oil For Cooking, Pamolive Oil For Cooking; Vegetable Oil For Cooking; Rice Bran For Cooking; Palmolein Oil For Cooking; Canola Oil For Food; Pulses And Nuts Prepared For Human Consumption; Manioc Chips ; Kumara Chips ; Plantain Chips ; Cassava Chips ; Soya Chips ; Soy Chips ; Fruit Chips ; Potato Chips ; Yuca Chips ; Banana Chips ; Vegetable Chips ; Apple Chips ; Kale Chips ; Fish And Chips ; Low-fat Potato Chips ; Potato Chips Made From Sweet Potatoes; Potato-based Snacks ; Cassava-based Snacks ; Manioc-based Snacks ; Yuca-based Snacks ; Tofu-based Snacks ; Candied Fruit Snacks ; Bean-based Snack Foods ; Laver-based Snack Foods ; Soya-based Snack Foods ; Nut-based Snack Bars ; Seed-based Snack Bars ; Seed-based Snack Foods ; Fruit-based Snack Bars ; Insect-based Snack Bars ; Soy-based Snack Foods ; Nut-based Snack Foods ; Vegetable-based Snack Foods ; Fruit-based Snack Food ; Meat-based Snack Foods ; Potato-based Snack Foods ; Dried Fruit-based Snacks ; Dried Fruit-based Snack Bars ; Snack Foods Made From Meat ; Probiotic Milk-based Snack Bars ; Probiotic Seed-based Snack Bars; Meat, Fish, Poultry And Game; Preserved Fruits & Vegetables; Dried Fruits; Cashew Nuts, Processed; Toasted Nuts; Roasted Nuts; Seasoned Nuts; Shelled Nuts; Prepared Nuts; Processed Nuts; Blanched Nuts; Flavoured Nuts; Candied Nuts; Flavored Nuts; Prepared Cashew Nuts; Cashew Nuts, Prepared; Processed Pistachio Nuts; Pistachio Nuts, Processed; Pine Nuts, Prepared; Betel Nuts, Processed; Processed Pine Nuts; Pine Nuts, Processed; Processed Cashew Nuts; Roasted Cashew Nuts; Spiced Cashew Nuts |
Business Name | Rajinder Kumar Gupta Proprietor Of Aggarwal Associates |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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