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TRADEMARK NAME Arjun trading with tagline authentic indian test


By: Rajubhai Laxmanbhai Davda

Almonds, Ground; Beans, Preserved; Berries, Preserved; Butter; Candied Nuts; Cheese; Coconut Oil For Food; Cream; Curd; Compotes; Dates; Freeze-dried Vegetables; Fruit Chips; Frozen Chips; Fruits And Vegetables-based Snack Food; Preserved Garlic, Ginger Preserved; Ghee; Jams; Jellies For Food; Lentils; Low-fat Potato Chips; Maize Oil For Food / Corn Oil For Food; Milk And Milk Products; Nut; Edible Oils And Fats, Cooking Oil; Oils For Food; Sunflower Oil; Soy Bean Oil For Cooking; Rice Bran Oil; Sesame Oil; Vegetable Oils For Food; Almond Oil; Groundnut Oil; Edible Flaxseed & Linseed Oil; Olive Oil For Cooking; Palm Oil For Food; Poppy Seed Oil; Rape Oil For Food; Spiced Oils; Onions, Preserved; Peanut Oil; Peanut Butter; Peanuts, Prepared; Peas; Pickles, Potato Flakes; Potato Crisps / Potato Chips; Raisins; Seeds, Prepared; Soya Beans, Preserved, For Food; Sunflower Seeds, Prepared; Sweet Corn, Processed; Tomato PurÉe/ Paste; Truffles, Preserved; Cooked, Tinned, Dried, Preserved And Processed Vegetables; Cooked, Tinned, Dried, Preserved And Processed Fruits; Yoghurt; Lassi (yogurt); Milk Shakes; Processed Pulses; Fruit Salads; Fruits Pulp; Vegetables Salads; Dried Fruit-based Snack Bars; Aaloo Papad (potato Based Snacks) Included In Class 29.

Suitable industries
Meats and Processed Foods
Words that describe this logo
Almonds Ground Beans Preserved Berries Preserved Butter

Trademark Details

This Brand Name ARJUN TRADING with tagline AUTHENTIC INDIAN TEST is applied by Rajubhai Laxmanbhai Davda

This Trademark was applied on date 11 December 2021

This Application has been filed by their agent DARSHIT NAVINBHAI AHYA

Application No 5245199
Filing Dte 11-12-2021
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number
Valid Until
Goods and Service Almonds, Ground; Beans, Preserved; Berries, Preserved; Butter; Candied Nuts; Cheese; Coconut Oil For Food; Cream; Curd; Compotes; Dates; Freeze-dried Vegetables; Fruit Chips; Frozen Chips; Fruits And Vegetables-based Snack Food; Preserved Garlic, Ginger Preserved; Ghee; Jams; Jellies For Food; Lentils; Low-fat Potato Chips; Maize Oil For Food / Corn Oil For Food; Milk And Milk Products; Nut; Edible Oils And Fats, Cooking Oil; Oils For Food; Sunflower Oil; Soy Bean Oil For Cooking; Rice Bran Oil; Sesame Oil; Vegetable Oils For Food; Almond Oil; Groundnut Oil; Edible Flaxseed & Linseed Oil; Olive Oil For Cooking; Palm Oil For Food; Poppy Seed Oil; Rape Oil For Food; Spiced Oils; Onions, Preserved; Peanut Oil; Peanut Butter; Peanuts, Prepared; Peas; Pickles, Potato Flakes; Potato Crisps / Potato Chips; Raisins; Seeds, Prepared; Soya Beans, Preserved, For Food; Sunflower Seeds, Prepared; Sweet Corn, Processed; Tomato PurÉe/ Paste; Truffles, Preserved; Cooked, Tinned, Dried, Preserved And Processed Vegetables; Cooked, Tinned, Dried, Preserved And Processed Fruits; Yoghurt; Lassi (yogurt); Milk Shakes; Processed Pulses; Fruit Salads; Fruits Pulp; Vegetables Salads; Dried Fruit-based Snack Bars; Aaloo Papad (potato Based Snacks) Included In Class 29.
Business Name Rajubhai Laxmanbhai Davda
Business Type Proprietor
Business Sector Manufacturing

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