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TRADEMARK NAME Borg warner (with device)

Borg Warner (WITH DEVICE)

By: Borgwarner Inc.

Air Pumps; 4-wheel Drive Systems And Components; All-wheel Drive Electronic Controls And Software; All-wheel Drive Systems And Components; Axial Flow Pumps; Chain Drives; Chain Tensioners; Chains; Compressors; Dampers; Differentials; Distributor Caps; Distributor Rotors; Drive Chains; Purge Valves; Ground Conductors; Electric Drive Gearboxes; Electric Drive Transaxles; Eletric Drive Transmissions; Electronic Control Units; Electronic Start Controllers For Diesel Engines; Emissions Controls; Emissions Systems; Engine Thermal Systems And Controls; Engine Timing Components; Engine Valve Timing Systems; Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valves; Fan Drive Clutch Actuator; Fan Drives; Fans; Fan Clutch; Fan Clutch Assembly; Friction Plates; Fuel Control Devices; Gears And Gear Boxes; Magnetos For Motorcycles; Motor Starters; Oil Pressure Switch; Oil Pumps; One-way Clutches; Oxygen Sensors; Parts For Transportation Vehicles, Land, Water And Air Vehicles; Power Train System Components; Proportional Valves; Pumps And Their Parts; Recirculation Valves; Reduction Gears; Regenerative Pumps; Regulators; Regulators For Vehicle Generators; Rotary Compressors; Secondary Air Systems; Sprockets; Thermal Management Components And Systems; Thermal Systems; Throttle Valves; Timing Chains; Timing Kits, Namely, Chains, Arm Guides, Tensioners, Sprockets, Phasers And Solenoids; Timing Sprockets; Tire Monitoring System; Tire Monitoring System Components, Namely, Tire Electronic, Tire Pressure Valve, Tss Starter Set, Valve Caps, Valve Cores; Torsional Vibration Dampers; Transfer Cases; Transmission Bands; Transmission Chain; Transmissions; Turbochargers; Valves; Vapor And Emission Control Systems; Variable Cam Timing; Variable Force Solenoid; Variable Speed Drives; Waste Gates; Water Pumps

Suitable industries
Words that describe this logo
Pumps 4wheel Drive Systems Components Allwheel Drive

Trademark Details

This Brand Name Borg Warner (WITH DEVICE) is applied by Borgwarner Inc.

This Trademark was applied on date 02 June 2010

This Application has been filed by their agent AZB & PARTNERS

Trademark Borg Warner (WITH DEVICE)
Application No 1974372
Filing Dte 02-06-2010
User Detail 01/01/2001
Certificate Number 1155463
Valid Until 02-06-2030
Goods and Service Air Pumps; 4-wheel Drive Systems And Components; All-wheel Drive Electronic Controls And Software; All-wheel Drive Systems And Components; Axial Flow Pumps; Chain Drives; Chain Tensioners; Chains; Compressors; Dampers; Differentials; Distributor Caps; Distributor Rotors; Drive Chains; Purge Valves; Ground Conductors; Electric Drive Gearboxes; Electric Drive Transaxles; Eletric Drive Transmissions; Electronic Control Units; Electronic Start Controllers For Diesel Engines; Emissions Controls; Emissions Systems; Engine Thermal Systems And Controls; Engine Timing Components; Engine Valve Timing Systems; Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valves; Fan Drive Clutch Actuator; Fan Drives; Fans; Fan Clutch; Fan Clutch Assembly; Friction Plates; Fuel Control Devices; Gears And Gear Boxes; Magnetos For Motorcycles; Motor Starters; Oil Pressure Switch; Oil Pumps; One-way Clutches; Oxygen Sensors; Parts For Transportation Vehicles, Land, Water And Air Vehicles; Power Train System Components; Proportional Valves; Pumps And Their Parts; Recirculation Valves; Reduction Gears; Regenerative Pumps; Regulators; Regulators For Vehicle Generators; Rotary Compressors; Secondary Air Systems; Sprockets; Thermal Management Components And Systems; Thermal Systems; Throttle Valves; Timing Chains; Timing Kits, Namely, Chains, Arm Guides, Tensioners, Sprockets, Phasers And Solenoids; Timing Sprockets; Tire Monitoring System; Tire Monitoring System Components, Namely, Tire Electronic, Tire Pressure Valve, Tss Starter Set, Valve Caps, Valve Cores; Torsional Vibration Dampers; Transfer Cases; Transmission Bands; Transmission Chain; Transmissions; Turbochargers; Valves; Vapor And Emission Control Systems; Variable Cam Timing; Variable Force Solenoid; Variable Speed Drives; Waste Gates; Water Pumps
Business Name Borgwarner Inc.
Business Type Private Limited Company
Business Sector Manufacturing

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