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By: Logitech Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Computer Interfrances Cables, Computersoftware, Hardware And Accessories There Of Computer Periphelrsl And Terminals Disk Drives, Printers Modeme Hard & Floppy Discsetts Holders, Monioters, Electric Data Processing Apparatus And Parts Thereof Nad Accessories Thereof, Intrgrated Circuts Printed Circuits Boards, Semi- Conductor Memories, Magnetic Recording Media In The Form Of Tapes Cards, Sheets Records For Sounds Recording . Televisiion Recevers Tc Boosters And Antennas, Video Cassettes Recorders And Players; Electricnoic Games, Readio Transistors, Tapercorders Adn Stereo Systems, Micro-electronic Apparatus, Instruments And Communications Devices, Controlling Equipments, Timers, Counters, Discounters, Controllers Equipments, Automatic Dialing Devices/systems, Amplifers, And Call Meiers And In Telephone And Communication Systems, Intercoms; Door Inter-communications Systems, Telephone Exchange Pox And Pobx Boards Nad Panels, Electrically/or Electornically Operated Veinding Machines, Industrial And Telecommunications Electronically Or Electronically Operated Operatedvending Machines, Indudstrial And Telecommunication Controlsystems,std Barring Ystems, Switch Boards, Date Storage And Retrival Systems, All The Aforesaid Goods Being Including In Class 9.

Suitable industries
Electrical and Scientific Apparatus

Trademark Details

This Brand Name BTC is applied by Logitech Technology Pvt. Ltd.

This Trademark was applied on date 11 August 1998

This Application has been filed by their agent G. S. RIJHWANI & CO.

Trademark BTC
Application No 814132
Filing Dte 11-08-1998
User Detail 01/01/1998
Certificate Number
Valid Until
Goods and Service Computer Interfrances Cables, Computersoftware, Hardware And Accessories There Of Computer Periphelrsl And Terminals Disk Drives, Printers Modeme Hard & Floppy Discsetts Holders, Monioters, Electric Data Processing Apparatus And Parts Thereof Nad Accessories Thereof, Intrgrated Circuts Printed Circuits Boards, Semi- Conductor Memories, Magnetic Recording Media In The Form Of Tapes Cards, Sheets Records For Sounds Recording . Televisiion Recevers Tc Boosters And Antennas, Video Cassettes Recorders And Players; Electricnoic Games, Readio Transistors, Tapercorders Adn Stereo Systems, Micro-electronic Apparatus, Instruments And Communications Devices, Controlling Equipments, Timers, Counters, Discounters, Controllers Equipments, Automatic Dialing Devices/systems, Amplifers, And Call Meiers And In Telephone And Communication Systems, Intercoms; Door Inter-communications Systems, Telephone Exchange Pox And Pobx Boards Nad Panels, Electrically/or Electornically Operated Veinding Machines, Industrial And Telecommunications Electronically Or Electronically Operated Operatedvending Machines, Indudstrial And Telecommunication Controlsystems,std Barring Ystems, Switch Boards, Date Storage And Retrival Systems, All The Aforesaid Goods Being Including In Class 9.
Business Name Logitech Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Business Type Private Limited Company
Business Sector Manufacturing

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