By: Buhler Ag.
Installations, Machines And Equipment As Well As Components Thereof For Use In The Flour-milling Industry, In The Baked-goods Industry, In The Manufacture Of Pasta, Snacks, Couscous, Dry Soup Mixes, Infant Food, Starches And Other Foods, In The Candy & Chocolate Industry, In The Coffee Industry, Inthe Rice Industry, In The Edible - Oil Industry, In Malting Houses And Breweries, As Well As In The Feed Industry, Including Installations,machines And Equipment For Clearing, Controllling Dust, Grinding, Sorting Metering, Mixing, Reducing Sizw, Procesinf, Hulling, Degerninatinf, Sifring, Boling Flaking And Pulveriaing, And For Th Eccution Of Other Processes, Sucj As Weighing And Bagginf Of All Kinds Of Raw Materials, Intermediate Prodicts And Finisjes Prodicts, Meckanical And Loading Sustms, Filter Sustems For Industrial Ise, Sistems For Utilization Ordisposal Od Slid And Liquid Wast, Instllations, Macines And Equipment For The Chemicl Industru, Particularly For The Manufcture Of Paints, Plastic Coatings, Laundry And Cleaning Detrgents, Toilet And Housrhld Soaps, Cosmtyic Prisicts, Imstilatin Gfmatyeria And Fillers, Metal Amdplstic Die-casting Macunes As Well As Meatal And P;astic Injection Moulding Machines Amd Imstallations..

Trademark Details
This Brand Name BUHLER is applied by Buhler Ag.
This Trademark was applied on date 10 October 1996
This Application has been filed by their agent LEX ORBIS.
Trademark | BUHLER |
Application No | 719047 |
Filing Dte | 10-10-1996 |
User Detail | 01/01/1990 |
Certificate Number | 275089 |
Valid Until | 10-10-2026 |
Goods and Service | Installations, Machines And Equipment As Well As Components Thereof For Use In The Flour-milling Industry, In The Baked-goods Industry, In The Manufacture Of Pasta, Snacks, Couscous, Dry Soup Mixes, Infant Food, Starches And Other Foods, In The Candy & Chocolate Industry, In The Coffee Industry, Inthe Rice Industry, In The Edible - Oil Industry, In Malting Houses And Breweries, As Well As In The Feed Industry, Including Installations,machines And Equipment For Clearing, Controllling Dust, Grinding, Sorting Metering, Mixing, Reducing Sizw, Procesinf, Hulling, Degerninatinf, Sifring, Boling Flaking And Pulveriaing, And For Th Eccution Of Other Processes, Sucj As Weighing And Bagginf Of All Kinds Of Raw Materials, Intermediate Prodicts And Finisjes Prodicts, Meckanical And Loading Sustms, Filter Sustems For Industrial Ise, Sistems For Utilization Ordisposal Od Slid And Liquid Wast, Instllations, Macines And Equipment For The Chemicl Industru, Particularly For The Manufcture Of Paints, Plastic Coatings, Laundry And Cleaning Detrgents, Toilet And Housrhld Soaps, Cosmtyic Prisicts, Imstilatin Gfmatyeria And Fillers, Metal Amdplstic Die-casting Macunes As Well As Meatal And P;astic Injection Moulding Machines Amd Imstallations.. |
Business Name | Buhler Ag. |
Business Type | Private Limited Company |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |

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