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By: Restoration Hardware, Inc.

Furniture, Namely, Beds, Chairs, Couches, Benches, Ottomans, Loveseats, Sofas, Sleeper Sofas, Beds, Daybeds, Cribs, Dressers, Nightstands, Ottomans, Chaise Lounges, Lounge Chairs, Side Chairs, Arm Chairs, Dining Chairs, Bean Bag Chairs, Coffee Tables, Side Tables, Console Tables, Dining Tables, Occasional Tables, Baby Changing Tables, Baby Changing Mats, Bookcases, Furniture Chests, Armoires, Desks, Sideboards, Cabinets, Media Cabinets, And Travelling Trunks For Use As Tables; Pedestals; Stools; Non-metal Step Stools; Outdoor Furniture; Fitted Fabric Furniture Covers; Cushions; Pillows; Floor Pillows; Bed Pillows; Bolsters; Mattresses; Mattress Toppers, Namely, Feather Beds; Kneelers For Gardening; Sleeping Bags; Bassinets; Bathroom Furniture, Namely, Mirrors, Cabinets, Washstands, Medicine Cabinets, Countertops And Cupboards, Shelving, Vanities, Etageres, Towel Stands, Bath Stools, Bath Carts, Shower Curtain Rods, And Structural Parts For All The Aforementioned Goods; Picture Frames; Bulletin Boards; Dressmaker's Dummies; Drapery Hardware, Namely, Curtain Rods, Curtain Hooks And Finials; Window Shades; Wall Decor, Namely, Shelving And Mirrors; Coat Racks; Magazine Racks; Towel Racks; Shower Racks; Luggage Racks In The Nature Of Furniture; Wine Racks; Display Racks; Metal Racks For Storing Firewood; Decorative Boxes Made Of Wood; Wood Garden And Household Ornaments; Decorative Wood Panels; Cast Resin Garden And Household Ornaments; Patio Umbrella Bases.

Suitable industries
Furniture and Related Articles
Words that describe this logo
Furniture Namely Beds Chairs Couches Benches Ottomans

Trademark Details

This Brand Name BUNGALOW is applied by Restoration Hardware, Inc.

This Trademark was applied on date 19 August 2014

This Application has been filed by their agent S.S. RANA & CO.

Trademark BUNGALOW
Application No 2793141
Filing Dte 19-08-2014
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number
Valid Until
Goods and Service Furniture, Namely, Beds, Chairs, Couches, Benches, Ottomans, Loveseats, Sofas, Sleeper Sofas, Beds, Daybeds, Cribs, Dressers, Nightstands, Ottomans, Chaise Lounges, Lounge Chairs, Side Chairs, Arm Chairs, Dining Chairs, Bean Bag Chairs, Coffee Tables, Side Tables, Console Tables, Dining Tables, Occasional Tables, Baby Changing Tables, Baby Changing Mats, Bookcases, Furniture Chests, Armoires, Desks, Sideboards, Cabinets, Media Cabinets, And Travelling Trunks For Use As Tables; Pedestals; Stools; Non-metal Step Stools; Outdoor Furniture; Fitted Fabric Furniture Covers; Cushions; Pillows; Floor Pillows; Bed Pillows; Bolsters; Mattresses; Mattress Toppers, Namely, Feather Beds; Kneelers For Gardening; Sleeping Bags; Bassinets; Bathroom Furniture, Namely, Mirrors, Cabinets, Washstands, Medicine Cabinets, Countertops And Cupboards, Shelving, Vanities, Etageres, Towel Stands, Bath Stools, Bath Carts, Shower Curtain Rods, And Structural Parts For All The Aforementioned Goods; Picture Frames; Bulletin Boards; Dressmaker's Dummies; Drapery Hardware, Namely, Curtain Rods, Curtain Hooks And Finials; Window Shades; Wall Decor, Namely, Shelving And Mirrors; Coat Racks; Magazine Racks; Towel Racks; Shower Racks; Luggage Racks In The Nature Of Furniture; Wine Racks; Display Racks; Metal Racks For Storing Firewood; Decorative Boxes Made Of Wood; Wood Garden And Household Ornaments; Decorative Wood Panels; Cast Resin Garden And Household Ornaments; Patio Umbrella Bases.
Business Name Restoration Hardware, Inc.
Business Type Private Limited Company
Business Sector Manufacturing

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