Chris Jericho
By: World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.
Collector Albums Labels Folders, Brochures, Packaging Plastic Bags Paper Tableware, Stickers, Patches Framed Pictures Pens Pencils Book Covers Posters, Notebooks Trading Cards Calendars Party Favors Paper Tablecloths, Photograph, Stationary, Magazines, Photographic Prints, Greeting Cards Pictures Decals, Tattoo Transfers Programs Pictorial Biographies Comic Books Book Markers Tablecloths Paper Napkins Sticker Albums Memo Pads Address Books Date Books Agenda Books Pencil Sharpeners, Collector Phone Cards, Postage Stamps, Customized Personal Cheeks, Checkbook Covers, Return Labels, Banners, Party Games, Door Signs, Party Packs (cups, Plates, Napkin), Puzzles (sliding, Color), Latex Balloons, Rulers, Erasers, Bumper Stickers, Window Decals, Collector Stamps, Lithographs Hats, Mylar Balloons, Party Straws, Gift Wrap-party Goods Departments, Cake Decorations All Being Goods Falling In Class 16.
Trademark Details
This Brand Name Chris Jericho is applied by World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.
This Trademark was applied on date 02 July 2001
This Application has been filed by their agent ANAND AND ANAND.
Trademark | Chris Jericho |
Application No | 1022497 |
Filing Dte | 02-07-2001 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 648920 |
Valid Until | 02-07-2021 |
Goods and Service | Collector Albums Labels Folders, Brochures, Packaging Plastic Bags Paper Tableware, Stickers, Patches Framed Pictures Pens Pencils Book Covers Posters, Notebooks Trading Cards Calendars Party Favors Paper Tablecloths, Photograph, Stationary, Magazines, Photographic Prints, Greeting Cards Pictures Decals, Tattoo Transfers Programs Pictorial Biographies Comic Books Book Markers Tablecloths Paper Napkins Sticker Albums Memo Pads Address Books Date Books Agenda Books Pencil Sharpeners, Collector Phone Cards, Postage Stamps, Customized Personal Cheeks, Checkbook Covers, Return Labels, Banners, Party Games, Door Signs, Party Packs (cups, Plates, Napkin), Puzzles (sliding, Color), Latex Balloons, Rulers, Erasers, Bumper Stickers, Window Decals, Collector Stamps, Lithographs Hats, Mylar Balloons, Party Straws, Gift Wrap-party Goods Departments, Cake Decorations All Being Goods Falling In Class 16. |
Business Name | World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. |
Business Type | Private Limited Company |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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