By: The Black & Decker Corporation.
Machine And Machine Tools, Namely, Woodworking Machines, Including: Saws, Including Tables Saws, Arbor Saws, Radial Arm Saws, Band Saws, Scroll Saws; Drill Presses; Line Boring Machines; Mortisers; Jointers; Planers; Lathes; Bench Grinders; Shapers And Stock Feeders; Sanders; Including Belt Sanders, Disc Sanders, Oscillating Spindle Sanders, Joinery Machines And Dovetail Jigs. Vacuums And Dust Management Systems Including Dust Collectors And Ambient Air Cleaners. Accessories For Woodworking Machines, Including Saw Blades, Including Band Saw Blades And Circular Saw Blades, Fence Systems, Stands, Miter Gauges, Dust Collectors, Dado Sets, Blade Guards, Tenoning Jigs, Anti-kickback Spreaders, Drills Bits, Vises And Vise Clamps, Sanding Drums, Discs, Belts And Pads, Knives, Chisels, Gouges, Scrapers, Grinding, Wheels, Wire Brushes And Buffing Wheels.
Trademark Details
This Brand Name DELTA is applied by The Black & Decker Corporation.
This Trademark was applied on date 16 February 2010
This Application has been filed by their agent LALL LAHIRI AND SALHOTRA.
Trademark | DELTA |
Application No | 1922898 |
Filing Dte | 16-02-2010 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | |
Valid Until | |
Goods and Service | Machine And Machine Tools, Namely, Woodworking Machines, Including: Saws, Including Tables Saws, Arbor Saws, Radial Arm Saws, Band Saws, Scroll Saws; Drill Presses; Line Boring Machines; Mortisers; Jointers; Planers; Lathes; Bench Grinders; Shapers And Stock Feeders; Sanders; Including Belt Sanders, Disc Sanders, Oscillating Spindle Sanders, Joinery Machines And Dovetail Jigs. Vacuums And Dust Management Systems Including Dust Collectors And Ambient Air Cleaners. Accessories For Woodworking Machines, Including Saw Blades, Including Band Saw Blades And Circular Saw Blades, Fence Systems, Stands, Miter Gauges, Dust Collectors, Dado Sets, Blade Guards, Tenoning Jigs, Anti-kickback Spreaders, Drills Bits, Vises And Vise Clamps, Sanding Drums, Discs, Belts And Pads, Knives, Chisels, Gouges, Scrapers, Grinding, Wheels, Wire Brushes And Buffing Wheels. |
Business Name | The Black & Decker Corporation. |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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