By: Akash K Sajith
[class : 29] Processed Fruits And Vegetables; Processed Nuts And Pulses; Tinned Fruits And Vegetables; Butter; Dips; Dairy Based Spreads; Vegetable-based Spreads; Hummus.[class : 30] Cookies, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, Almond Cookies, Butter Cookies, Peanut Butter Cookies; Vegan Cakes; Cakes, Cake Doughs; Brownies; Tarts; Pastries; Apple Pie; Cupcakes; Bread, Fresh Bread, Focaccia Bread; Bread Doughs; Vegan Ice Cream; Crackers; Quiche; Kombucha; Turmeric Powders For Use As A Condiment; Salts, Seasonings, Flavourings, And Condiments; Croissants; Mayonnaise And Ketchup-based Spreads; Pasta Sauces; Salsa; Gluten-free Confectionery; Salad Dressings.[class : 31] Fresh Vegetables; Organic Fresh Fruits And Vegetables; Fresh Fruits, Nuts, And Herbs; Unprocessed Fruits And Vegetables; Organic Fresh Herbs; Fresh Lettuce; Microgreens; Fresh Ginger; Fresh Mint; Fresh Spinach; Fresh Kale.[class : 35] Online Retail Store Services Featuring A Wide Variety Of Consumer Goods, Including Foods, Greens, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables, Processed Food, Etc; Retail And Wholesale Services Relating To Food And Foodstuffs.
Trademark Details
This Brand Name DEVICE is applied by Akash K Sajith
This Trademark was applied on date 30 March 2021
This Application has been filed by their agent FOX MANDAL & ASSOCIATES
Trademark | DEVICE |
Application No | 4927147 |
Filing Dte | 30-03-2021 |
User Detail | 13/09/2018 |
Certificate Number | 2830451 |
Valid Until | 30-03-2031 |
Goods and Service | [class : 29] Processed Fruits And Vegetables; Processed Nuts And Pulses; Tinned Fruits And Vegetables; Butter; Dips; Dairy Based Spreads; Vegetable-based Spreads; Hummus.[class : 30] Cookies, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, Almond Cookies, Butter Cookies, Peanut Butter Cookies; Vegan Cakes; Cakes, Cake Doughs; Brownies; Tarts; Pastries; Apple Pie; Cupcakes; Bread, Fresh Bread, Focaccia Bread; Bread Doughs; Vegan Ice Cream; Crackers; Quiche; Kombucha; Turmeric Powders For Use As A Condiment; Salts, Seasonings, Flavourings, And Condiments; Croissants; Mayonnaise And Ketchup-based Spreads; Pasta Sauces; Salsa; Gluten-free Confectionery; Salad Dressings.[class : 31] Fresh Vegetables; Organic Fresh Fruits And Vegetables; Fresh Fruits, Nuts, And Herbs; Unprocessed Fruits And Vegetables; Organic Fresh Herbs; Fresh Lettuce; Microgreens; Fresh Ginger; Fresh Mint; Fresh Spinach; Fresh Kale.[class : 35] Online Retail Store Services Featuring A Wide Variety Of Consumer Goods, Including Foods, Greens, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables, Processed Food, Etc; Retail And Wholesale Services Relating To Food And Foodstuffs. |
Business Name | Akash K Sajith |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Service |
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