By: Anuradha Singh Proprietor Of Cookiebakers
Coffee; Frozen Coffee; Brewed Coffee; Coffee Blends; Coffee Extracts; Unroasted Coffee; Coffee Beverages; Coffee Substitutes; Artificial Coffee; Coffee Essences; Coffee Flavourings; Ground Coffee; Instant Coffee; Iced Coffee; Decaffeinated Coffee; Protein-enriched Coffee; Coffee Pods, Filled; Coffee, Tea, Cocoa And Artificial Coffee; Coffee Bean Beverages; Coffee-based Drinks; Prepared Coffee-based Beverages; Ginseng Coffee Capsules, Filled; Barley Coffee Capsules, Filled; Ginseng Coffee Pods, Filled; Barley Coffee Pods, Filled; Chocolate-covered Coffee Beans; Chocolate-coated Coffee Beans; Beverages Made Of Coffee; Tea *; Milk Tea, Tea Predominating; Kombucha Tea; Spearmint Tea; Slimming Tea; Coca Tea; Camomile Tea; Fieldmint Tea; Ginseng Tea; Rooibos Tea; Milk Tea ; Barley Tea; Tea Substitutes; Artificial Tea; Instant Tea; Oolong Tea ; Black Tea; Mate ; Sage Tea; Jasmine Tea; Green Tea; Tea Beverages; Lime Tea; Linden Tea; Tea-based Milk Tea; Chamomile Tea; Peppermint Tea; Fermented Tea; Tieguanyin Tea; Citron Tea; Fruit Teas; Brown Rice Tea; Processed Tea Leaves; Tea Leaves, Processed; Tea Pods, Filled; Sugar Candy; Chewing Candy; Candy Mints; Ice Candy; Cotton Candy; Candy Bars; Sweetmeats ; Sweets ; Candy Canes; Ginseng Candy; Candy-coated Almonds; Candy-coated Apples; Fruit Jelly Candy; Candy With Caramel; Chocolates; Liqueur Chocolates; Filled Chocolates; Almond Cakes; Almond Biscuits; Almond Paste; Almond Cake; Almond Pastries; Almond Confectionery; Almond Cookies; Jordan Almonds; Sugar Almonds; Sugared Almonds; Chocolate Covered Almonds; Candy-coated Almonds; Sugar-coated Almonds; Chocolate Coated Almonds; Chocolate-coated Almonds; Chocolate-covered Almonds; Almonds Coated In Chocolate; Almonds Covered In Chocolate; Almond-based Ice Cream Substitutes; Almond Flavorings, Other
Trademark Details
This Brand Name DEVICE is applied by Anuradha Singh Proprietor Of Cookiebakers
This Trademark was applied on date 04 April 2023
This Application has been filed by their agent NEWTON REGINALD
Trademark | DEVICE |
Application No | 5878892 |
Filing Dte | 04-04-2023 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | |
Valid Until | |
Goods and Service | Coffee; Frozen Coffee; Brewed Coffee; Coffee Blends; Coffee Extracts; Unroasted Coffee; Coffee Beverages; Coffee Substitutes; Artificial Coffee; Coffee Essences; Coffee Flavourings; Ground Coffee; Instant Coffee; Iced Coffee; Decaffeinated Coffee; Protein-enriched Coffee; Coffee Pods, Filled; Coffee, Tea, Cocoa And Artificial Coffee; Coffee Bean Beverages; Coffee-based Drinks; Prepared Coffee-based Beverages; Ginseng Coffee Capsules, Filled; Barley Coffee Capsules, Filled; Ginseng Coffee Pods, Filled; Barley Coffee Pods, Filled; Chocolate-covered Coffee Beans; Chocolate-coated Coffee Beans; Beverages Made Of Coffee; Tea *; Milk Tea, Tea Predominating; Kombucha Tea; Spearmint Tea; Slimming Tea; Coca Tea; Camomile Tea; Fieldmint Tea; Ginseng Tea; Rooibos Tea; Milk Tea ; Barley Tea; Tea Substitutes; Artificial Tea; Instant Tea; Oolong Tea ; Black Tea; Mate ; Sage Tea; Jasmine Tea; Green Tea; Tea Beverages; Lime Tea; Linden Tea; Tea-based Milk Tea; Chamomile Tea; Peppermint Tea; Fermented Tea; Tieguanyin Tea; Citron Tea; Fruit Teas; Brown Rice Tea; Processed Tea Leaves; Tea Leaves, Processed; Tea Pods, Filled; Sugar Candy; Chewing Candy; Candy Mints; Ice Candy; Cotton Candy; Candy Bars; Sweetmeats ; Sweets ; Candy Canes; Ginseng Candy; Candy-coated Almonds; Candy-coated Apples; Fruit Jelly Candy; Candy With Caramel; Chocolates; Liqueur Chocolates; Filled Chocolates; Almond Cakes; Almond Biscuits; Almond Paste; Almond Cake; Almond Pastries; Almond Confectionery; Almond Cookies; Jordan Almonds; Sugar Almonds; Sugared Almonds; Chocolate Covered Almonds; Candy-coated Almonds; Sugar-coated Almonds; Chocolate Coated Almonds; Chocolate-coated Almonds; Chocolate-covered Almonds; Almonds Coated In Chocolate; Almonds Covered In Chocolate; Almond-based Ice Cream Substitutes; Almond Flavorings, Other |
Business Name | Anuradha Singh Proprietor Of Cookiebakers |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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