Tony Tone Enterprises
By: Tony Tone Enterprises
Video And Broadcasting Equipment, Ear Phone, Mp3 Player, Mp4 Player,card Reader, Speakers, Vcd, Dvd, Lcd, Dth, Cvt, Compact Disc, Cd Player, Television, Tape Recorder, Two In One, R.adio, Transistor, Video And Audio Cassettes. Amplifier, Cassettes Player, Stereo, Antenna, Booster, Stabilizer, Electric Iron, Kettle, Wires, Cable, Television Antenna Cable Wire, Switch, Socket, Plug, Top, Pin, Fuse, Connector, Conduit Pipe, Dimmer, Choke, Patti, Starter, Condenser, Capacitor. Timer And Spare Parts For Use In Electronic Goods, Computer And Parts Thereof, Printer, Monitor, Scanner, Key Board, Terminal And Component, Floppy Disc, Cd, Circuit Board, Display System, Data Processing And Recording Equipment And Storage System, Counting And Calculating Machine, Power Supplies, Inverter, Batteries, Electronic Games, Telephone Apparatus, Insect Destroying Apparatus, Fire Extinguisher, Life Saving Equipment There Of Included In Class 09

Trademark Details
This Brand Name DOUBLE TIGER (LABEL) is applied by Tony Tone Enterprises
This Trademark was applied on date 27 April 2012
This Application has been filed by their agent None
Trademark | DOUBLE TIGER (LABEL) |
Application No | 2322751 |
Filing Dte | 27-04-2012 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | |
Valid Until | |
Goods and Service | Video And Broadcasting Equipment, Ear Phone, Mp3 Player, Mp4 Player,card Reader, Speakers, Vcd, Dvd, Lcd, Dth, Cvt, Compact Disc, Cd Player, Television, Tape Recorder, Two In One, R.adio, Transistor, Video And Audio Cassettes. Amplifier, Cassettes Player, Stereo, Antenna, Booster, Stabilizer, Electric Iron, Kettle, Wires, Cable, Television Antenna Cable Wire, Switch, Socket, Plug, Top, Pin, Fuse, Connector, Conduit Pipe, Dimmer, Choke, Patti, Starter, Condenser, Capacitor. Timer And Spare Parts For Use In Electronic Goods, Computer And Parts Thereof, Printer, Monitor, Scanner, Key Board, Terminal And Component, Floppy Disc, Cd, Circuit Board, Display System, Data Processing And Recording Equipment And Storage System, Counting And Calculating Machine, Power Supplies, Inverter, Batteries, Electronic Games, Telephone Apparatus, Insect Destroying Apparatus, Fire Extinguisher, Life Saving Equipment There Of Included In Class 09 |
Business Name | Tony Tone Enterprises |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |

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