By: Chandni Mahajan
Gymnastic And Sporting Articles; Baby Gyms; Bags Especially Designed For Skis; Bags Especially Designed For Surfboards; Baseball Gloves; Batting Gloves ; Billiard Balls; Billiard Tables; Billiard Cues; Body-building Apparatus / Body Rehabilitation Apparatus / Body-training Apparatus; Boxing Gloves; Climbers" Harness; Cricket Bags; Discuses For Sports; Edges Of Skis; Elbow Guards ; Fairground Ride Apparatus; Flippers For Swimming; Flippers For Diving; Foosball Tables; Golf Bag Tags; Golf Bag Trolleys / Golf Bag Carts; Golf Bags, With Or Without Wheels; Golf Gloves; Appliances For Gymnastics; Hang Gliders; Harness For Sailboards; Hockey Sticks; Ice Skates; Inline Roller Skates; Inflatable Games For Swimming Pools; Knee Guards [sports Articles]; Nets For Sports; Paddleboards; Paintball Guns ; Machines For Physical Exercises; Play Tents; Protective Cups For Sports; Protective Paddings ; Punching Bags; Rackets / Bats For Games; Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbons; Roller Skates; Rosin Used By Athletes; Shin Guards [sports Articles]; Shuttlecocks; Skateboards; Skis; Sleds ; Snowboards; Spring Boards ; Surf Skis; Surfboards; Swimming Jackets; Swimming Pools ; Swings; Tables For Table Tennis; Tennis Nets; Waist Trimmer Exercise Belts; Waterskies; Weight Lifting Belts ; Yoga Swings; Balls For Games.
Trademark Details
This Brand Name ELIMINATOR is applied by Chandni Mahajan
This Trademark was applied on date 05 December 2020
This Application has been filed by their agent None
Trademark | ELIMINATOR |
Application No | 4769252 |
Filing Dte | 05-12-2020 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 3568878 |
Valid Until | 05-12-2030 |
Goods and Service | Gymnastic And Sporting Articles; Baby Gyms; Bags Especially Designed For Skis; Bags Especially Designed For Surfboards; Baseball Gloves; Batting Gloves ; Billiard Balls; Billiard Tables; Billiard Cues; Body-building Apparatus / Body Rehabilitation Apparatus / Body-training Apparatus; Boxing Gloves; Climbers" Harness; Cricket Bags; Discuses For Sports; Edges Of Skis; Elbow Guards ; Fairground Ride Apparatus; Flippers For Swimming; Flippers For Diving; Foosball Tables; Golf Bag Tags; Golf Bag Trolleys / Golf Bag Carts; Golf Bags, With Or Without Wheels; Golf Gloves; Appliances For Gymnastics; Hang Gliders; Harness For Sailboards; Hockey Sticks; Ice Skates; Inline Roller Skates; Inflatable Games For Swimming Pools; Knee Guards [sports Articles]; Nets For Sports; Paddleboards; Paintball Guns ; Machines For Physical Exercises; Play Tents; Protective Cups For Sports; Protective Paddings ; Punching Bags; Rackets / Bats For Games; Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbons; Roller Skates; Rosin Used By Athletes; Shin Guards [sports Articles]; Shuttlecocks; Skateboards; Skis; Sleds ; Snowboards; Spring Boards ; Surf Skis; Surfboards; Swimming Jackets; Swimming Pools ; Swings; Tables For Table Tennis; Tennis Nets; Waist Trimmer Exercise Belts; Waterskies; Weight Lifting Belts ; Yoga Swings; Balls For Games. |
Business Name | Chandni Mahajan |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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