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TRADEMARK NAME Ffms with device of ff meat specialities farm fresh meat special


By: Mr. Gagandeep Singh Pasricha S/o Dr. N. S. Pasricha Proprietor O

Meat And Meat Products , Mutton Slices, Fish, Processed Fish, Fish Crackers, Fish Extracts, Cooked Fish, Fish Floss, Fish Spread, Fish Products Being Frozen, Fish, Preserved, Bottled Fish, Grilled Fish Fillets, Foods Made From Fish, Boiled And Dried Fish, Fish-based Snack Food, Chilled Meals Made From Fish, Dishes Of Fish, Smoked Fish Spread, Fishmeal For Human Consumption, Steamed Or Toasted Cakes Of Fish Paste (kamaboko), Steamed Cakes Of Smashed Fish And Yam (hampen), Tube-shaped Toasted Cakes Of Fish Paste (chikuwa), Seafood And Molluscs, Not Live, Soups And Stocks, Meat Extracts, Prepared Meals, Convenience Food And Savoury Snacks Cooked Meat, Fish Meat Floss, Flakes Of Dried Fish Meat (kezuri-bushi), Meat-based Snack Foods, Vegetable-based Meat Substitutes, Pie Fillings Of Meat, Dried Razor Clam Meat, Ground Meat, Meatballs, Meat Stocks, Minced Meat, Fresh Meat, Processed Meat, Prepared Meals Made From Meat , Prepared Meat, Sliced Meat, Fried Meat, Frozen Meat, Meat Floss, Meat Preserves, Lyophilized Meat, Meat Gelatines, Lyophilised Meat, Meat Substitutes, Dried Meat, Salted Meat, Dried Whelk Meat, Meat Burgers, Roast Meat, Meat Pastes, Meat Jellies, Meat Extracts, Luncheon Meats, Smoked Meats, Packaged Meats, Cured Meats, Tinned Meats, Poultry Meatballs, Chicken Meatballs, Cooked Meat Dishes, Canned Cooked Meat, Bottled Cooked Meat, Frozen Meat Products, Steaks Of Meat, Plant-based Imitation Meat, Mincemeat , Processed Meat Products, Freeze-dried Meat, Flakes Of Dried Fish Meat (kezuri-bushi) , Prepared Meat Dishes, Eggs, Frozen Eggs, Marinated Eggs, Dried Eggs, Imitation Crab Meat, Meat Boiled Down In Soy Sauce (tsukudani Meat), Meat Extracts For Culinary Purposes, Cabbage Rolls Stuffed With Meat, Prepared Dishes Consisting Principally Of Meat, Ready Cooked Meals Consisting Wholly Or Substantially Wholly Of Meat, Formed Textured Vegetable Protein For Use As A Meat Substitute, Fresh Fish, Fresh Meat, Live Fish, Frozen Meat, Frozen Fishes, Pork, Dried Meat, Dried Fish, Packed Fish & Meat Including In Class – 29.

Suitable industries
Meats and Processed Foods
Words that describe this logo
Meat Meat Products Mutton Slices Fish Processed

Trademark Details

This Brand Name FFMS with device of FF MEAT SPECIALITIES FARM FRESH MEAT SPECIAL is applied by Mr. Gagandeep Singh Pasricha S/o Dr. N. S. Pasricha Proprietor O

This Trademark was applied on date 12 February 2025

This Application has been filed by their agent PURI TRADE MARK CO.

Application No 6852871
Filing Dte 12-02-2025
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number
Valid Until
Goods and Service Meat And Meat Products , Mutton Slices, Fish, Processed Fish, Fish Crackers, Fish Extracts, Cooked Fish, Fish Floss, Fish Spread, Fish Products Being Frozen, Fish, Preserved, Bottled Fish, Grilled Fish Fillets, Foods Made From Fish, Boiled And Dried Fish, Fish-based Snack Food, Chilled Meals Made From Fish, Dishes Of Fish, Smoked Fish Spread, Fishmeal For Human Consumption, Steamed Or Toasted Cakes Of Fish Paste (kamaboko), Steamed Cakes Of Smashed Fish And Yam (hampen), Tube-shaped Toasted Cakes Of Fish Paste (chikuwa), Seafood And Molluscs, Not Live, Soups And Stocks, Meat Extracts, Prepared Meals, Convenience Food And Savoury Snacks Cooked Meat, Fish Meat Floss, Flakes Of Dried Fish Meat (kezuri-bushi), Meat-based Snack Foods, Vegetable-based Meat Substitutes, Pie Fillings Of Meat, Dried Razor Clam Meat, Ground Meat, Meatballs, Meat Stocks, Minced Meat, Fresh Meat, Processed Meat, Prepared Meals Made From Meat , Prepared Meat, Sliced Meat, Fried Meat, Frozen Meat, Meat Floss, Meat Preserves, Lyophilized Meat, Meat Gelatines, Lyophilised Meat, Meat Substitutes, Dried Meat, Salted Meat, Dried Whelk Meat, Meat Burgers, Roast Meat, Meat Pastes, Meat Jellies, Meat Extracts, Luncheon Meats, Smoked Meats, Packaged Meats, Cured Meats, Tinned Meats, Poultry Meatballs, Chicken Meatballs, Cooked Meat Dishes, Canned Cooked Meat, Bottled Cooked Meat, Frozen Meat Products, Steaks Of Meat, Plant-based Imitation Meat, Mincemeat , Processed Meat Products, Freeze-dried Meat, Flakes Of Dried Fish Meat (kezuri-bushi) , Prepared Meat Dishes, Eggs, Frozen Eggs, Marinated Eggs, Dried Eggs, Imitation Crab Meat, Meat Boiled Down In Soy Sauce (tsukudani Meat), Meat Extracts For Culinary Purposes, Cabbage Rolls Stuffed With Meat, Prepared Dishes Consisting Principally Of Meat, Ready Cooked Meals Consisting Wholly Or Substantially Wholly Of Meat, Formed Textured Vegetable Protein For Use As A Meat Substitute, Fresh Fish, Fresh Meat, Live Fish, Frozen Meat, Frozen Fishes, Pork, Dried Meat, Dried Fish, Packed Fish & Meat Including In Class – 29.
Business Name Mr. Gagandeep Singh Pasricha S/o Dr. N. S. Pasricha Proprietor O
Business Type Proprietor
Business Sector Manufacturing

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