By: Ravi Gupta Trading As G P Stationery Mart
Stationery And Office Stationery Products Including Binder Clip; Clips; Document Page Markers (marking Flags); Sticky Note Pad; Note Pad; Glue Stick; Correction & Marker Pen; Stapler; Stapler Pin Remover; Punch; Pin; Correction Tape; Scissors; Paper Cutter; Cutter Blade; Clamp; Grip Binder; Pushpin; Drawing Pin; Pen Stand; Tape Dispenser; Clipper Machine; Board Duster; Pens; Rulers; Stamp Pad; Gum; Rubber Stamp; Carbon Paper; Sharpener; Eraser; Geometry Box; Rubber Band; Adhesive Tapes; Files; Folders; Binding Materials; Mathematical Instruments; Papers; Books; Plastic Materials For Packaging; Whiteboards; Ring Binder File; Sketches; Sketchbooks; Sketch Pads; Cash Receipt Books; Rent Receipt Books; Log Books; Agenda Books; Writing Books; Book Markers; Picture Books; Printed Books; Visitors Books; Ledger Books; Address Books; Telephone Books; Ring Files; File Dividers; File Covers; File Sorters; File Indexes; File Trays; Colour Charts; Colour Pens; Colour Pencils; Coloured Chalk; Coloured Pens; Coloured Pencils; Colouring Pens; Colouring Crayons; Colouring Books; Colouring Pencils; Water Colours; Sketch Pens; Paintings; Paintbrushes; Paint Boxes; Paint Brushes; Paint Trays; Paint Rollers; Painting Canvas; Painting Pencils; Paintersâ Easels; Painting Books; Paintersâ Brushes; Artistsâ Paint Brushes; Paint Applicator Pads; Paint Roller Trays; Paint Roller Covers; Paint Roller Handles; Paint Stick Markers; Paint Boxes And Brushes; Painting Sets For Children; Painting Sets For Artists; Drawing Boards; Arts And Crafts Paint Kits; Stencils For Face Painting; Magnetic Pain Brush Holder Clips Included In Class 16
Trademark Details
This Brand Name G P ART is applied by Ravi Gupta Trading As G P Stationery Mart
This Trademark was applied on date 31 July 2020
This Application has been filed by their agent SAURABH SRIVASTAVA
Trademark | G P ART |
Application No | 4591263 |
Filing Dte | 31-07-2020 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 2635428 |
Valid Until | 31-07-2030 |
Goods and Service | Stationery And Office Stationery Products Including Binder Clip; Clips; Document Page Markers (marking Flags); Sticky Note Pad; Note Pad; Glue Stick; Correction & Marker Pen; Stapler; Stapler Pin Remover; Punch; Pin; Correction Tape; Scissors; Paper Cutter; Cutter Blade; Clamp; Grip Binder; Pushpin; Drawing Pin; Pen Stand; Tape Dispenser; Clipper Machine; Board Duster; Pens; Rulers; Stamp Pad; Gum; Rubber Stamp; Carbon Paper; Sharpener; Eraser; Geometry Box; Rubber Band; Adhesive Tapes; Files; Folders; Binding Materials; Mathematical Instruments; Papers; Books; Plastic Materials For Packaging; Whiteboards; Ring Binder File; Sketches; Sketchbooks; Sketch Pads; Cash Receipt Books; Rent Receipt Books; Log Books; Agenda Books; Writing Books; Book Markers; Picture Books; Printed Books; Visitors Books; Ledger Books; Address Books; Telephone Books; Ring Files; File Dividers; File Covers; File Sorters; File Indexes; File Trays; Colour Charts; Colour Pens; Colour Pencils; Coloured Chalk; Coloured Pens; Coloured Pencils; Colouring Pens; Colouring Crayons; Colouring Books; Colouring Pencils; Water Colours; Sketch Pens; Paintings; Paintbrushes; Paint Boxes; Paint Brushes; Paint Trays; Paint Rollers; Painting Canvas; Painting Pencils; Paintersâ Easels; Painting Books; Paintersâ Brushes; Artistsâ Paint Brushes; Paint Applicator Pads; Paint Roller Trays; Paint Roller Covers; Paint Roller Handles; Paint Stick Markers; Paint Boxes And Brushes; Painting Sets For Children; Painting Sets For Artists; Drawing Boards; Arts And Crafts Paint Kits; Stencils For Face Painting; Magnetic Pain Brush Holder Clips Included In Class 16 |
Business Name | Ravi Gupta Trading As G P Stationery Mart |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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