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By: Garware Bestretch Limited

Clothing Including Clothing For Gymnastics, Knitwear, Bathing Caps, Beach Clothes, Undergarments Such As Brassieres, Vests, Underpants, Jackets, Jerseys, Linen, Linings, Readymade Linings, Outer Clothing, Pajamas, Socks, Tights, Hosiery, Loungewear, Playwear, Active Wears And Creepers, Multi-piece Pant And Shirt Sets, Overalls, Shortalls, Coveralls, Jumpers, Dresses, Shirts, Sweaters, Pants, Sweat Suits, Headbands, Hats, Booties, Shorts And Like; Headbands; Infant Blanket Sleepers; One-piece Underwear; Layette Sets Including Gowns, Kimonos, Infant Sleep Sacks, Two-way Infant Sleepers, Caps, Booties, Socks, Slippers, Mittens, Cloth Bibs, Pram Suits, Robes, Cloth Diapers, Vinyl Pants, Infant Diaper Covers, And Also Including Bed Blankets, Wash Cloths, Hooded Towels, Towels, Bath Mitts, Security Bed Blankets, Burp Cloths Not Of Paper, Paper Liners For Infant Diapers And Like, Underwear Tops And Bottoms; Shorts, Shirts; Active Wear, Including, Boxer Shorts, Bicycle Shorts, Gym Shorts, Pants, Pullovers, Sport Shirts, Sweat Pants, Sweat Shirts, Sweat Shorts, Sweat Suits, T-shirts, Tank Tops, Jogging Suits, Warm-up Suits; Long Underwear; Sleepwear; Nightwear, Pajamas; Robes; Womens Intimate Apparel Such As Panties, Bras, All-in-ones In The Nature Of Camisoles With Built In Bras, Camisoles, Foundation Garments, Crop Tops, Stockings, Tights, Hosiery, Garments That Shape The Body And Like; Hats And Clothing Caps, Jackets, And; Clothing For Infants And Children, Including Hats, Booties, Mittens, Underwear Tops And Bottoms; Hosiery And Socks For Women; Shirts; Pants; Active Wear, Under Drawers, Both With And Without Legs; Medical Lab Coats; Footwear Including Shoes, Boots, Socks, Athletic Shoes And Like, All Clothing, Footwear And Headgear Goods Included In Class 25.

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Clothing Including Clothing Gymnastics Knitwear Bathing Caps

Trademark Details

This Brand Name GARWARE is applied by Garware Bestretch Limited

This Trademark was applied on date 13 June 2011

This Application has been filed by their agent VALSANGKAR & ASSOCIATES

Trademark GARWARE
Application No 2158659
Filing Dte 13-06-2011
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number 1661661
Valid Until 13-06-2021
Goods and Service Clothing Including Clothing For Gymnastics, Knitwear, Bathing Caps, Beach Clothes, Undergarments Such As Brassieres, Vests, Underpants, Jackets, Jerseys, Linen, Linings, Readymade Linings, Outer Clothing, Pajamas, Socks, Tights, Hosiery, Loungewear, Playwear, Active Wears And Creepers, Multi-piece Pant And Shirt Sets, Overalls, Shortalls, Coveralls, Jumpers, Dresses, Shirts, Sweaters, Pants, Sweat Suits, Headbands, Hats, Booties, Shorts And Like; Headbands; Infant Blanket Sleepers; One-piece Underwear; Layette Sets Including Gowns, Kimonos, Infant Sleep Sacks, Two-way Infant Sleepers, Caps, Booties, Socks, Slippers, Mittens, Cloth Bibs, Pram Suits, Robes, Cloth Diapers, Vinyl Pants, Infant Diaper Covers, And Also Including Bed Blankets, Wash Cloths, Hooded Towels, Towels, Bath Mitts, Security Bed Blankets, Burp Cloths Not Of Paper, Paper Liners For Infant Diapers And Like, Underwear Tops And Bottoms; Shorts, Shirts; Active Wear, Including, Boxer Shorts, Bicycle Shorts, Gym Shorts, Pants, Pullovers, Sport Shirts, Sweat Pants, Sweat Shirts, Sweat Shorts, Sweat Suits, T-shirts, Tank Tops, Jogging Suits, Warm-up Suits; Long Underwear; Sleepwear; Nightwear, Pajamas; Robes; Womens Intimate Apparel Such As Panties, Bras, All-in-ones In The Nature Of Camisoles With Built In Bras, Camisoles, Foundation Garments, Crop Tops, Stockings, Tights, Hosiery, Garments That Shape The Body And Like; Hats And Clothing Caps, Jackets, And; Clothing For Infants And Children, Including Hats, Booties, Mittens, Underwear Tops And Bottoms; Hosiery And Socks For Women; Shirts; Pants; Active Wear, Under Drawers, Both With And Without Legs; Medical Lab Coats; Footwear Including Shoes, Boots, Socks, Athletic Shoes And Like, All Clothing, Footwear And Headgear Goods Included In Class 25.
Business Name Garware Bestretch Limited
Business Type Private Limited Company
Business Sector Manufacturing

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