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TRADEMARK NAME Gmkgraderparts "back bone of earth moving equipment&


By: Ashish Goel Trading As M/s Shiv Shakti International

Agricultural Machines And Machine Tools, Implements (other Than Hand Tools) And Machines For Agriculture, Livestock, Farming, Horticulture, Forestry, Excavating Works, Gardening And / Or Pleasure Farming, Especially Earth-working Machines Such As Harrows, Rotary Harrows, Rotary Tillers, Plows, Cultivators, Pulverisers, Stubble Cleaners, Mixers, Weeders, Soil Looseners, Machines For Earth-working On Stripes, Packer Rollers, Packer Rollers Combined With Seed-drills, Packer Rollers Combined With Earth-working Machines, Non Driven Earth-preparation Machines, Combined Machines For Earth-working, Combined Earth-working Machines And Seeding Machines, Self-propelled Earth-working Machines, Self-propelled Combined Earth-working Machines Seeding Machines; Seeding Machines Such As Seed-drills, Pneumatic Seed-drills, Mechanical Seed-drills, Precision Seed-drills, Seeding Machines Combined With Earth-working Machines, Self-propelled Seeding Machines, Seeder Elements, Planters, Transplanters; Haymaking Machines Such As Mowers, Mower-conditioners, Conditioners, Grass-aerating Mowers, Cutterbars, Tedders, Raking Machines, Swathers, Combined Tedder-swathers, Swathgathering Machines, Swath-turning Machines, Wheelrakes, Conveyor-belt Swathers, Self-propelled Machines For Mowing Or Forted Ding Or For Swathing Or For Cutting Products, Especially Plants; Harvesting Such As Harvesters, Combine Harvesters, Forage Balers, Bale Wrappers, Balers Combined With Bale Wrappers, Choppers, Chopper-trailers, Self-propelled Machines For Silage Loading Or For Harvesting; Treating Machines Such As Sprayers, Atomisers, Portable Sprayers, Hand Sprayers, Self-propelled Machines For Treating Crops, Spreading Machines Such As Fertilizer Spreaders, Manure Spreaders, Liquid Manure Spreaders, Straw-bedders, Salt Spreaders, Sand Spreaders, Self-propelled Machines For Spreading Products; Machines For Preparing Feed For Cattle Such As Silage Unloaders, Silage Unloader Feeders, Silage Unloaders Combined With Straw-bedders, Mixers, Fodder Mixer-feeders, Silage Unloader-mixer-feeders, Fodder Feeders, Self-propelled Machines For Fodder Feeding Or For Preparing Feed For Cattle; Maintenance Machines Such As Grinders, Scrub Cleaners, Hedge And Grass Cutters, Roadside Mowers, Self-propelled Machines For Maintenance, Machines For Excavating Works, Lawn Mowers, Conveyors, Elevators, Handling Arms, Transport Trailers, Parts And Components Of These Machines, Spare Parts Of These Machines, Replacement Parts Of These Machines All Included In Class 7.

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Agricultural Machines Machine Tools Implements other Than

Trademark Details

This Brand Name GMKGraderParts "BACK BONE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT& is applied by Ashish Goel Trading As M/s Shiv Shakti International

This Trademark was applied on date 20 February 2025

This Application has been filed by their agent GOOD LUCK TRADE MARK SERVICES

Application No 6867907
Filing Dte 20-02-2025
User Detail 01/04/2019
Certificate Number
Valid Until
Goods and Service Agricultural Machines And Machine Tools, Implements (other Than Hand Tools) And Machines For Agriculture, Livestock, Farming, Horticulture, Forestry, Excavating Works, Gardening And / Or Pleasure Farming, Especially Earth-working Machines Such As Harrows, Rotary Harrows, Rotary Tillers, Plows, Cultivators, Pulverisers, Stubble Cleaners, Mixers, Weeders, Soil Looseners, Machines For Earth-working On Stripes, Packer Rollers, Packer Rollers Combined With Seed-drills, Packer Rollers Combined With Earth-working Machines, Non Driven Earth-preparation Machines, Combined Machines For Earth-working, Combined Earth-working Machines And Seeding Machines, Self-propelled Earth-working Machines, Self-propelled Combined Earth-working Machines Seeding Machines; Seeding Machines Such As Seed-drills, Pneumatic Seed-drills, Mechanical Seed-drills, Precision Seed-drills, Seeding Machines Combined With Earth-working Machines, Self-propelled Seeding Machines, Seeder Elements, Planters, Transplanters; Haymaking Machines Such As Mowers, Mower-conditioners, Conditioners, Grass-aerating Mowers, Cutterbars, Tedders, Raking Machines, Swathers, Combined Tedder-swathers, Swathgathering Machines, Swath-turning Machines, Wheelrakes, Conveyor-belt Swathers, Self-propelled Machines For Mowing Or Forted Ding Or For Swathing Or For Cutting Products, Especially Plants; Harvesting Such As Harvesters, Combine Harvesters, Forage Balers, Bale Wrappers, Balers Combined With Bale Wrappers, Choppers, Chopper-trailers, Self-propelled Machines For Silage Loading Or For Harvesting; Treating Machines Such As Sprayers, Atomisers, Portable Sprayers, Hand Sprayers, Self-propelled Machines For Treating Crops, Spreading Machines Such As Fertilizer Spreaders, Manure Spreaders, Liquid Manure Spreaders, Straw-bedders, Salt Spreaders, Sand Spreaders, Self-propelled Machines For Spreading Products; Machines For Preparing Feed For Cattle Such As Silage Unloaders, Silage Unloader Feeders, Silage Unloaders Combined With Straw-bedders, Mixers, Fodder Mixer-feeders, Silage Unloader-mixer-feeders, Fodder Feeders, Self-propelled Machines For Fodder Feeding Or For Preparing Feed For Cattle; Maintenance Machines Such As Grinders, Scrub Cleaners, Hedge And Grass Cutters, Roadside Mowers, Self-propelled Machines For Maintenance, Machines For Excavating Works, Lawn Mowers, Conveyors, Elevators, Handling Arms, Transport Trailers, Parts And Components Of These Machines, Spare Parts Of These Machines, Replacement Parts Of These Machines All Included In Class 7.
Business Name Ashish Goel Trading As M/s Shiv Shakti International
Business Type Proprietor
Business Sector Manufacturing

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