By: Suresh Gupta Trading As Shree Gobind Agro Sales
Rotavators , Garden Rotavators, Fan Belts For Engines, Fan Belts For Motors, Rotavator; Straw Reaper; Peddy Straw Chopper; Laser Guided Land Leveler, Agricultural Balers, Agricultural Plows, Agricultural Cultivators, Agricultural Machines, Agricultural Elevators, Agricultural Machine Tools, Tillers , Combines , Reapers , Towable Agricultural Machines, Joggers , Threshers , Windrowers , Incorporators , Agricultural Spraying Machines, Agricultural Land Fertilizing Equipment, Agricultural Equipment For Seeding, Agricultural Aircraft Spray Nozzles, Windrowers For Agricultural Machines, Harvesters For Agricultural Use, Agricultural Seed Planting Machines, Loaders For Agricultural Machines, Agricultural Machines For Harvesting, Rollers , Agricultural Machines For Soil Working, Agricultural Machines For Ground Cultivation, Agricultural Machines For Grass Collecting, Reapers , Harvesters , Mowers , Tilling Implements For Agricultural Use, Fertilizer Distributors , Soil Engaging Parts For Agricultural Implements, Agricultural Machinery And Attachments Therefor, Namely, Rotary Mowers, Box Scrapers, And Three-point Attachments, Agricultural, Earthmoving, Construction, Oil And Gas Extraction And Mining Equipment, Agricultural, Gardening And Forestry Machines And Apparatus,

Trademark Details
This Brand Name GOBINDA is applied by Suresh Gupta Trading As Shree Gobind Agro Sales
This Trademark was applied on date 13 September 2019
This Application has been filed by their agent PURVI & ASSOCIATES
Trademark | GOBINDA |
Application No | 4292615 |
Filing Dte | 13-09-2019 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | |
Valid Until | |
Goods and Service | Rotavators , Garden Rotavators, Fan Belts For Engines, Fan Belts For Motors, Rotavator; Straw Reaper; Peddy Straw Chopper; Laser Guided Land Leveler, Agricultural Balers, Agricultural Plows, Agricultural Cultivators, Agricultural Machines, Agricultural Elevators, Agricultural Machine Tools, Tillers , Combines , Reapers , Towable Agricultural Machines, Joggers , Threshers , Windrowers , Incorporators , Agricultural Spraying Machines, Agricultural Land Fertilizing Equipment, Agricultural Equipment For Seeding, Agricultural Aircraft Spray Nozzles, Windrowers For Agricultural Machines, Harvesters For Agricultural Use, Agricultural Seed Planting Machines, Loaders For Agricultural Machines, Agricultural Machines For Harvesting, Rollers , Agricultural Machines For Soil Working, Agricultural Machines For Ground Cultivation, Agricultural Machines For Grass Collecting, Reapers , Harvesters , Mowers , Tilling Implements For Agricultural Use, Fertilizer Distributors , Soil Engaging Parts For Agricultural Implements, Agricultural Machinery And Attachments Therefor, Namely, Rotary Mowers, Box Scrapers, And Three-point Attachments, Agricultural, Earthmoving, Construction, Oil And Gas Extraction And Mining Equipment, Agricultural, Gardening And Forestry Machines And Apparatus, |
Business Name | Suresh Gupta Trading As Shree Gobind Agro Sales |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |

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