By: Gougeon Brothers, Inc.
Chemical Products For Use In Industry-namely, Synthetic Polymers And Resins, Plastics In The Form Of Powders, Liquids, And Pastes, Thermoses Resins, Epoxy Reins, Curing Agents Or Hardeners For Epoxy Resins, Chemical Additives For Thickening Resins, Graphite For Industrials Use, Chemical Solvents For Resins And Plastics, Fire Retardant Chemicals, Acid Compositions For Cleaning And Etching Aluminum; Chemical Compositions For Stabilizing Aluminum Against Oxidation, Adhesives Used In Industry; Polymeric Bonding Agents, Graphite Fibers And Filaments For Uses In Industry Graphite Powder, Zooidal Silica And Very Small Plastic And Ceramic Spheres For Addition Lot Protested Coatings, And Epoxy Resin Boat Repair Kit Consisting Primarily Offs He Resin Cursing Agent For The Resin, Solvent Thickening Agents, Fillers And Loner Incidents Chemicals, Thickening Agents For Addition To Protective Coatings, Resin Pigments Resigns Reinforcing Materials And All Other Goods Falling In Class1.
Trademark Details
This Brand Name GOUGEON is applied by Gougeon Brothers, Inc.
This Trademark was applied on date 17 September 1997
This Application has been filed by their agent ANAND AND ANAND.
Trademark | GOUGEON |
Application No | 764373 |
Filing Dte | 17-09-1997 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 652079 |
Valid Until | 09-07-2017 |
Goods and Service | Chemical Products For Use In Industry-namely, Synthetic Polymers And Resins, Plastics In The Form Of Powders, Liquids, And Pastes, Thermoses Resins, Epoxy Reins, Curing Agents Or Hardeners For Epoxy Resins, Chemical Additives For Thickening Resins, Graphite For Industrials Use, Chemical Solvents For Resins And Plastics, Fire Retardant Chemicals, Acid Compositions For Cleaning And Etching Aluminum; Chemical Compositions For Stabilizing Aluminum Against Oxidation, Adhesives Used In Industry; Polymeric Bonding Agents, Graphite Fibers And Filaments For Uses In Industry Graphite Powder, Zooidal Silica And Very Small Plastic And Ceramic Spheres For Addition Lot Protested Coatings, And Epoxy Resin Boat Repair Kit Consisting Primarily Offs He Resin Cursing Agent For The Resin, Solvent Thickening Agents, Fillers And Loner Incidents Chemicals, Thickening Agents For Addition To Protective Coatings, Resin Pigments Resigns Reinforcing Materials And All Other Goods Falling In Class1. |
Business Name | Gougeon Brothers, Inc. |
Business Type | Private Limited Company |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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