By: Koh-i-noor Hardtmuth A.s.
Graphite, Scanning And Coloured Pencils, Propelling Pencils, Pencil Leads, Pencil Sets, Grips, Chalks, Pastels (crayons), Artificial And Natural Charcoals, Sanguine, Crayons, Oil Chalks, Writing, Marking And Drawing Chalks, Chalk Holders, Writing Cases, Rubber Erasers, Ink, Coloured Inks, Stamping Inks, Gouache, Acrylic, Watercolour, Oil And Tempera Paints, Palettes, Paintbrushes, Rulers, Drawing Squares, Drawing T-squares, Technical Drawing Requisites, Compasses For Drawing, Extendable Pens, Technical Pens, Compass Sets, Spare Parts And Accessories Therefor, Paper Clips, Stencils, Folders (stationery), Loose-leaf Binders, Document Sleeves Of Plastic, Loose-leaf Document Holders, Business Cards, Covers For Exercise Books And Textbooks, Correction Fluid For Stationery Purposes, Glue For Stationery Purposes, Pencil Sharpeners, Modelling Clay, Marker Pens, Ball-point Pens, Gel Pens, Writing Pads For Ball-point And Gel Pens, Fountain Pens, Ink Cartridges, Drawing Pads, Desk Tidies.

Trademark Details
This Brand Name HARDTMUTH is applied by Koh-i-noor Hardtmuth A.s.
This Trademark was applied on date 30 April 2013
This Application has been filed by their agent KRISHNA & SAURASTRI.
Trademark | HARDTMUTH |
Application No | 2523032 |
Filing Dte | 30-04-2013 |
User Detail | 01/01/1992 |
Certificate Number | 1181706 |
Valid Until | 30-04-2033 |
Goods and Service | Graphite, Scanning And Coloured Pencils, Propelling Pencils, Pencil Leads, Pencil Sets, Grips, Chalks, Pastels (crayons), Artificial And Natural Charcoals, Sanguine, Crayons, Oil Chalks, Writing, Marking And Drawing Chalks, Chalk Holders, Writing Cases, Rubber Erasers, Ink, Coloured Inks, Stamping Inks, Gouache, Acrylic, Watercolour, Oil And Tempera Paints, Palettes, Paintbrushes, Rulers, Drawing Squares, Drawing T-squares, Technical Drawing Requisites, Compasses For Drawing, Extendable Pens, Technical Pens, Compass Sets, Spare Parts And Accessories Therefor, Paper Clips, Stencils, Folders (stationery), Loose-leaf Binders, Document Sleeves Of Plastic, Loose-leaf Document Holders, Business Cards, Covers For Exercise Books And Textbooks, Correction Fluid For Stationery Purposes, Glue For Stationery Purposes, Pencil Sharpeners, Modelling Clay, Marker Pens, Ball-point Pens, Gel Pens, Writing Pads For Ball-point And Gel Pens, Fountain Pens, Ink Cartridges, Drawing Pads, Desk Tidies. |
Business Name | Koh-i-noor Hardtmuth A.s. |
Business Type | Private Limited Company |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |

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