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By: Vishal Jain Proprietor Of Chintamani Enterprises

Surgical Instruments, Surgical Nanorobots, Surgical Nanites, Surgical Catheters, Surgical Compressors, Surgical Headlights, Surgical Cutters, Surgical Apparatus, Surgical Mirrors, Surgical Clips, Surgical Staples, Surgical Retractors, Surgical Sponges, Surgical Mesh, Surgical Saws, Surgical Masks, Surgical Knives, Surgical Cutlery, Surgical Blades, Surgical Catguts, Surgical Raspatories, Surgical Gloves, Surgical Thread, Surgical Perforators, Surgical Sutures, Surgical Staplers, Surgical Scissors, Surgical Lamps, Surgical Gowns, Surgical Drills, Surgical Needles, Surgical Drapes, Surgical Pliers, Surgical Forceps, Surgical Headlamps, Surgical Caps, Surgical Robots, Disposable Surgical Masks, Artificial Surgical Implants, Surgical Cutting Instruments, Surgical Shoe Covers, Shears , Surgical Drill Bits, Surgical Staple Removers, Nanites For Surgical Purposes, Grafts For Surgical Use, Surgical Instruments And Apparatus, Surgical Devices And Instruments, Surgical Apparatus And Instruments, High Filter Surgical Masks, Surgical Implants , Medical And Surgical Laparoscopes, Catgut For Surgical Use, Beds For Surgical Use, Medical And Surgical Catheters, Arm Boards , Surgical Bypass Devices, Knife Blades , Surgical Drill Bits, Surgical Scrub Suits, Surgical Devices And Instruments, Medical And Surgical Catheters, Surgical Implants Made Of Artificial Materials, Medical And Surgical Knives For Cutting Human Or Animal Tissue And Organs, Apparatus For Cleansing Blood During Surgical Procedures, Medical X-ray Apparatus, X-ray Film Mounts For Surgical Use, X-ray Structure Analysis Instruments For Medical Use, X-ray Ct Scanners, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (mri) Apparatus, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanners, Surgical, Medical, Dental And Veterinary Apparatus And Instruments, Surgical Apparatus And Instruments For Medical Use.

Suitable industries
Medical Apparatus

Trademark Details

This Brand Name HEERAK is applied by Vishal Jain Proprietor Of Chintamani Enterprises

This Trademark was applied on date 21 December 2021

This Application has been filed by their agent PURVI & ASSOCIATES

Trademark HEERAK
Application No 5254685
Filing Dte 21-12-2021
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number 3018745
Valid Until 21-12-2031
Goods and Service Surgical Instruments, Surgical Nanorobots, Surgical Nanites, Surgical Catheters, Surgical Compressors, Surgical Headlights, Surgical Cutters, Surgical Apparatus, Surgical Mirrors, Surgical Clips, Surgical Staples, Surgical Retractors, Surgical Sponges, Surgical Mesh, Surgical Saws, Surgical Masks, Surgical Knives, Surgical Cutlery, Surgical Blades, Surgical Catguts, Surgical Raspatories, Surgical Gloves, Surgical Thread, Surgical Perforators, Surgical Sutures, Surgical Staplers, Surgical Scissors, Surgical Lamps, Surgical Gowns, Surgical Drills, Surgical Needles, Surgical Drapes, Surgical Pliers, Surgical Forceps, Surgical Headlamps, Surgical Caps, Surgical Robots, Disposable Surgical Masks, Artificial Surgical Implants, Surgical Cutting Instruments, Surgical Shoe Covers, Shears , Surgical Drill Bits, Surgical Staple Removers, Nanites For Surgical Purposes, Grafts For Surgical Use, Surgical Instruments And Apparatus, Surgical Devices And Instruments, Surgical Apparatus And Instruments, High Filter Surgical Masks, Surgical Implants , Medical And Surgical Laparoscopes, Catgut For Surgical Use, Beds For Surgical Use, Medical And Surgical Catheters, Arm Boards , Surgical Bypass Devices, Knife Blades , Surgical Drill Bits, Surgical Scrub Suits, Surgical Devices And Instruments, Medical And Surgical Catheters, Surgical Implants Made Of Artificial Materials, Medical And Surgical Knives For Cutting Human Or Animal Tissue And Organs, Apparatus For Cleansing Blood During Surgical Procedures, Medical X-ray Apparatus, X-ray Film Mounts For Surgical Use, X-ray Structure Analysis Instruments For Medical Use, X-ray Ct Scanners, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (mri) Apparatus, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanners, Surgical, Medical, Dental And Veterinary Apparatus And Instruments, Surgical Apparatus And Instruments For Medical Use.
Business Name Vishal Jain Proprietor Of Chintamani Enterprises
Business Type Proprietor
Business Sector Manufacturing

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