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TRADEMARK NAME House mark with wacoal (series of two trademarks)

HOUSE MARK with Wacoal (series of two trademarks)

By: Wacoal Corp.

Retail And Wholesale Services; Retail And Wholesale Services For Aprons, Slippers, Men's Women's And Children's Clothing-namely, Underwear Such As Brassieres, Corsets, Body Briefs, Slips, Bra-slips, Half Slips, Panties, Camisoles, Night-wear Namely, Pajamas, Negligees, Night Gowns, Night Caps, House Coats, Lounge Coats, Shirts, Sweaters, Coats, Skirts, Jacket, Pantaloons, Shorts, Dresses, One-piece Dresses, And Blouses, Stockings, Socks And Garters, Girdles, Underwear, Underpants, Undergarments, Pants, Babies Napkins Of Textile, Babies Bathing Trunks, Bathing Suit, Swimming Suit, Beach Clothes, Babies Pants, Suits, Sweat-absorbent Underwear, Collars Protectors, Collar (clothing), Detachable Collars, Neckties, Dressing Gowns, Frocks, Waistcoats, Babies Napkins, Robes, Ready-made Clothing, Layettes (clothing), Pullovers, Combinations (clothing), Hats, Shoes, Suspenders, Babies Diapers Of Textile, Babies, Mittens, Gloves (clothing), Pullovers (sweater), Stockings (sweat Absorbent), Knicker, Vest, Waist Slip, Overall, Jeans Jacket, Jeans, Sleeveless Vest, Polo T-shirt, Towels, Bed Cover, Pillow Cover, Stockings (heel Pieces For), Evening Dresses, School Uniforms, Children's Clothing, Working Clothes, Jogging Pants, Sweat Pants, Ski Jackets, Ski Pants, Smocks, Tuxedos, Evening Gowns, Overcoats, Topcoats, Mantles, Raincoats, Cardigans, Open Necked Shirts, Cuffs, Sports Shirts, Polo Shirts, Japanese Night Wear, Under Shirts, Chemise, Drawers, Pantieshorts, Dbriefs, Petticoats, Swimming Caps, Hosiery, Stoles Of Fur, Shawls, Scarves, Neckerchiefs, Bandannas, Legwarmers,mufflers, Caps, Sock Suspenders, Braces For Clothing, Bands For Overshoes, Sandal Shoes, Boots, Woman's Shoes, Babies Shoes, Wind Breakers, And Windcheaters.

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Retail Wholesale Services Retail Wholesale Services Aprons

Trademark Details

This Brand Name HOUSE MARK with Wacoal (series of two trademarks) is applied by Wacoal Corp.

This Trademark was applied on date 23 April 2013

This Application has been filed by their agent ANAND AND ANAND.

Trademark HOUSE MARK with Wacoal (series of two trademarks)
Application No 2518570
Filing Dte 23-04-2013
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number
Valid Until
Goods and Service Retail And Wholesale Services; Retail And Wholesale Services For Aprons, Slippers, Men's Women's And Children's Clothing-namely, Underwear Such As Brassieres, Corsets, Body Briefs, Slips, Bra-slips, Half Slips, Panties, Camisoles, Night-wear Namely, Pajamas, Negligees, Night Gowns, Night Caps, House Coats, Lounge Coats, Shirts, Sweaters, Coats, Skirts, Jacket, Pantaloons, Shorts, Dresses, One-piece Dresses, And Blouses, Stockings, Socks And Garters, Girdles, Underwear, Underpants, Undergarments, Pants, Babies Napkins Of Textile, Babies Bathing Trunks, Bathing Suit, Swimming Suit, Beach Clothes, Babies Pants, Suits, Sweat-absorbent Underwear, Collars Protectors, Collar (clothing), Detachable Collars, Neckties, Dressing Gowns, Frocks, Waistcoats, Babies Napkins, Robes, Ready-made Clothing, Layettes (clothing), Pullovers, Combinations (clothing), Hats, Shoes, Suspenders, Babies Diapers Of Textile, Babies, Mittens, Gloves (clothing), Pullovers (sweater), Stockings (sweat Absorbent), Knicker, Vest, Waist Slip, Overall, Jeans Jacket, Jeans, Sleeveless Vest, Polo T-shirt, Towels, Bed Cover, Pillow Cover, Stockings (heel Pieces For), Evening Dresses, School Uniforms, Children's Clothing, Working Clothes, Jogging Pants, Sweat Pants, Ski Jackets, Ski Pants, Smocks, Tuxedos, Evening Gowns, Overcoats, Topcoats, Mantles, Raincoats, Cardigans, Open Necked Shirts, Cuffs, Sports Shirts, Polo Shirts, Japanese Night Wear, Under Shirts, Chemise, Drawers, Pantieshorts, Dbriefs, Petticoats, Swimming Caps, Hosiery, Stoles Of Fur, Shawls, Scarves, Neckerchiefs, Bandannas, Legwarmers,mufflers, Caps, Sock Suspenders, Braces For Clothing, Bands For Overshoes, Sandal Shoes, Boots, Woman's Shoes, Babies Shoes, Wind Breakers, And Windcheaters.
Business Name Wacoal Corp.
Business Type Private Limited Company
Business Sector Service

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