By: Iwasaki Tsushinki Kabushiki Kaisha (iwatsu Electric Co., Ltd.)
Electric And Electronic Devices-namely: Telephones, Paging Systems And Equipment For Automatically Answering Telephones In The Absence Of A Human Intervention And To Receive, Record And Play Back Messages So Received And/or To Transmit Messages Over The Telephone. And Fittings Therefor: Digital/analog Voiceâdata Communication Equipment-namely; Key Telephones, Private Branch Exchangers. Telephone System Attendant Consoles. Data And Common Modules. Computer Programs For Use In Voice And Data Communication Systems. Voice Mail 1.11achines. And Fittings Therefor: Gleamâmagnetic Measuring Instrument-namely; Oscilloscopies And Parts. Memoriscopies And Parts Curvetracers And Parts, Digital Meters And Parts. Logiscopies And Parts, And Fittings Therefor.

Trademark Details
This Brand Name IWATSU is applied by Iwasaki Tsushinki Kabushiki Kaisha (iwatsu Electric Co., Ltd.)
This Trademark was applied on date 07 January 1998
This Application has been filed by their agent REMFRY & SAGAR
Trademark | IWATSU |
Application No | 785356 |
Filing Dte | 07-01-1998 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 1574669 |
Valid Until | 07-01-2008 |
Goods and Service | Electric And Electronic Devices-namely: Telephones, Paging Systems And Equipment For Automatically Answering Telephones In The Absence Of A Human Intervention And To Receive, Record And Play Back Messages So Received And/or To Transmit Messages Over The Telephone. And Fittings Therefor: Digital/analog Voiceâdata Communication Equipment-namely; Key Telephones, Private Branch Exchangers. Telephone System Attendant Consoles. Data And Common Modules. Computer Programs For Use In Voice And Data Communication Systems. Voice Mail 1.11achines. And Fittings Therefor: Gleamâmagnetic Measuring Instrument-namely; Oscilloscopies And Parts. Memoriscopies And Parts Curvetracers And Parts, Digital Meters And Parts. Logiscopies And Parts, And Fittings Therefor. |
Business Name | Iwasaki Tsushinki Kabushiki Kaisha (iwatsu Electric Co., Ltd.) |
Business Type | Private Limited Company |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |

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