By: Yatin Gupte
Accordions, Bagpipes, Balalaikas , Bamboo Flutes, Bandonions, Banjos, Barrel Organs, Basses , Bellows For Musical Instruments, Bow Nuts For Musical Instruments, Bows For Musical Instruments, Bridges For Musical Instruments, Buccins , Carillons , Cases For Musical Instruments, Castanets, Catgut For Musical Instruments, Chin Rests For Violins, Clarionets, Clarions, Colophony For Stringed Musical Instruments / Rosin For Stringed Musical Instruments, Concertinas, Conductors' Batons, Cornets , Cymbals, Double Basses, Drumheads / Skins For Drums, Drums , Drumsticks, Electronic Musical Instruments, Flutes, Gongs, Guitars, Handbells , Harmonicas, Harmoniums, Harp Strings, Harps, Hats With Bells , Horns , Horsehair For Bows For Musical Instruments, Huqin , Intensity Regulators For Mechanical Pianos, Jews' Harps , Kettledrum Frames, Kettledrums, Keyboards For Musical Instruments, Keys For Musical Instruments, Lyres, Mallets For Musical Instruments, Mandolins, Melodicas, Mouthpieces For Musical Instruments, Music Rolls , Music Stands, Music Synthesizers, Musical Boxes, Musical Instruments, Mutes For Musical Instruments / Dampers For Musical Instruments, Oboes, Ocarinas, Organs, Pedals For Musical Instruments, Pegs For Musical Instruments, Perforated Music Rolls, Piano Keyboards, Piano Keys, Piano Strings, Pianos, Pipa , Plectrums / Picks For Stringed Instruments, Reeds, Robotic Drums, Saxophones, Sheng , Stands For Musical Instruments, Sticks For Bows For Musical Instruments, Straps For Musical Instruments, Stringed Musical Instruments, Strings For Musical Instruments, Suona , Tambourines, Tom-toms, Triangles , Trombones, Trumpets, Tuning Forks, Tuning Hammers, Turning Apparatus For Sheet Music, Valves For Musical Instruments, Violas, Violins, Wind Pipes For Organs, Xylophones, Zithers.

Trademark Details
This Brand Name JOYE-BIKE is applied by Yatin Gupte
This Trademark was applied on date 24 February 2022
This Application has been filed by their agent YASH SURYAWALA
Trademark | JOYE-BIKE |
Application No | 5343117 |
Filing Dte | 24-02-2022 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | |
Valid Until | |
Goods and Service | Accordions, Bagpipes, Balalaikas , Bamboo Flutes, Bandonions, Banjos, Barrel Organs, Basses , Bellows For Musical Instruments, Bow Nuts For Musical Instruments, Bows For Musical Instruments, Bridges For Musical Instruments, Buccins , Carillons , Cases For Musical Instruments, Castanets, Catgut For Musical Instruments, Chin Rests For Violins, Clarionets, Clarions, Colophony For Stringed Musical Instruments / Rosin For Stringed Musical Instruments, Concertinas, Conductors' Batons, Cornets , Cymbals, Double Basses, Drumheads / Skins For Drums, Drums , Drumsticks, Electronic Musical Instruments, Flutes, Gongs, Guitars, Handbells , Harmonicas, Harmoniums, Harp Strings, Harps, Hats With Bells , Horns , Horsehair For Bows For Musical Instruments, Huqin , Intensity Regulators For Mechanical Pianos, Jews' Harps , Kettledrum Frames, Kettledrums, Keyboards For Musical Instruments, Keys For Musical Instruments, Lyres, Mallets For Musical Instruments, Mandolins, Melodicas, Mouthpieces For Musical Instruments, Music Rolls , Music Stands, Music Synthesizers, Musical Boxes, Musical Instruments, Mutes For Musical Instruments / Dampers For Musical Instruments, Oboes, Ocarinas, Organs, Pedals For Musical Instruments, Pegs For Musical Instruments, Perforated Music Rolls, Piano Keyboards, Piano Keys, Piano Strings, Pianos, Pipa , Plectrums / Picks For Stringed Instruments, Reeds, Robotic Drums, Saxophones, Sheng , Stands For Musical Instruments, Sticks For Bows For Musical Instruments, Straps For Musical Instruments, Stringed Musical Instruments, Strings For Musical Instruments, Suona , Tambourines, Tom-toms, Triangles , Trombones, Trumpets, Tuning Forks, Tuning Hammers, Turning Apparatus For Sheet Music, Valves For Musical Instruments, Violas, Violins, Wind Pipes For Organs, Xylophones, Zithers. |
Business Name | Yatin Gupte |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |

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