By: Krushi Yantra Agrotech India Private Limited
Agricultural Machineries, Agricultural Implements Of/icr F/ian Hand Operated Implements, Agricultural Mac/sines, Atomisers, Blowing Machines, Centrifugal Pumps, Chaff Cutter Blades, Chaff Cutters, Chain Saws, Cleaning Apparatus, Cleaning Appliances Using Steam, Electric Cleaning Machines And Apparatus, Compressed Air Mac/lines, Compressed Air Pumps, Compressors, Harvesting Machines, High Pressure Washers, Husking Machines, Dairy Mac/sines, Ditchers, Engines, Blowing Machines Or Famis For Compression, Sucking And Carrvmg Of Grain, Grain Husking Mac/sines, Grain Separators, Suction Cups Etc., Mowing And Reaping Mac/sines, Knives For Mowing Machines; Ploughs, Ploughshares, Pumps, Reapers, Binders, Threshers, Saw Blades, Saws, Plough Shares, Sharpening Mac/sines, Sharpening Wheels, Sowers, Spraying Machines, Straw Cutters, Harrows, Knives For Mowing Lilac/lines, Lawn Mowers, Milking Machines Like Teat Cups, Threshing Mac/sines, Weeding Machines, Winnowers

Trademark Details
This Brand Name KY-Agro WITH DEVICE is applied by Krushi Yantra Agrotech India Private Limited
This Trademark was applied on date 12 October 2021
This Application has been filed by their agent ARUN KUMAR KOTHARI
Trademark | KY-Agro WITH DEVICE |
Application No | 5170410 |
Filing Dte | 12-10-2021 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 3172021 |
Valid Until | 12-10-2031 |
Goods and Service | Agricultural Machineries, Agricultural Implements Of/icr F/ian Hand Operated Implements, Agricultural Mac/sines, Atomisers, Blowing Machines, Centrifugal Pumps, Chaff Cutter Blades, Chaff Cutters, Chain Saws, Cleaning Apparatus, Cleaning Appliances Using Steam, Electric Cleaning Machines And Apparatus, Compressed Air Mac/lines, Compressed Air Pumps, Compressors, Harvesting Machines, High Pressure Washers, Husking Machines, Dairy Mac/sines, Ditchers, Engines, Blowing Machines Or Famis For Compression, Sucking And Carrvmg Of Grain, Grain Husking Mac/sines, Grain Separators, Suction Cups Etc., Mowing And Reaping Mac/sines, Knives For Mowing Machines; Ploughs, Ploughshares, Pumps, Reapers, Binders, Threshers, Saw Blades, Saws, Plough Shares, Sharpening Mac/sines, Sharpening Wheels, Sowers, Spraying Machines, Straw Cutters, Harrows, Knives For Mowing Lilac/lines, Lawn Mowers, Milking Machines Like Teat Cups, Threshing Mac/sines, Weeding Machines, Winnowers |
Business Name | Krushi Yantra Agrotech India Private Limited |
Business Type | Private Limited Company |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |

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