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By: Mohammad Ali, Humayun Zafar And Abdullah Zafar

Hand-operated Household Or Kitchen Utensils And Containers, Cookware And Tableware, Glassware, Porcelain And Earthenware, As Well As Cosmetic And Toilet Utensils. Kitchen Paper Holders, Kitchen Moulds, Articles For Cleaning Purposes; Steel Wool, Brooms, Brushes, Scrubbing Brushes, Dusters, Mops, Heat Insulated Containers; Jugs; Kettles; Kitchen Mixers; Lunch Boxes; Knife/peeler Stand, Vegetable Grater, Bottles, Vegetable Cutting Board, Rolling Pin, Tea Strainer-plastic & Metal, Nonelectric Blenders, Kitchen Grinder, Citrus Juicers, Non-electric Wine Coolers; Ice Cube Moulds For Refrigerators. Smoke Absorbers For Household Purposes, Soap Holders, Watering Devices, Watering Cans, Pressure Cookers, Rice Cookers, Milk Boilers. Cooking Pots; Oven Mitts; Potholders; Stew-pans; Frying Pans; Spatulas; Pepper Mills; Salt Mills; Garlic Presses, Mugs, Cups, Glasses, Bowls, Plates, Flask, Insulated Flasks, Shaving Brushes, Shaving Brush Stands, Combs For The Hair

Suitable industries
Housewares and Glass

Trademark Details

This Brand Name MEWTO is applied by Mohammad Ali, Humayun Zafar And Abdullah Zafar

This Trademark was applied on date 17 April 2024

This Application has been filed by their agent ANUPAM PANDEY

Trademark MEWTO
Application No 6391441
Filing Dte 17-04-2024
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number
Valid Until
Goods and Service Hand-operated Household Or Kitchen Utensils And Containers, Cookware And Tableware, Glassware, Porcelain And Earthenware, As Well As Cosmetic And Toilet Utensils. Kitchen Paper Holders, Kitchen Moulds, Articles For Cleaning Purposes; Steel Wool, Brooms, Brushes, Scrubbing Brushes, Dusters, Mops, Heat Insulated Containers; Jugs; Kettles; Kitchen Mixers; Lunch Boxes; Knife/peeler Stand, Vegetable Grater, Bottles, Vegetable Cutting Board, Rolling Pin, Tea Strainer-plastic & Metal, Nonelectric Blenders, Kitchen Grinder, Citrus Juicers, Non-electric Wine Coolers; Ice Cube Moulds For Refrigerators. Smoke Absorbers For Household Purposes, Soap Holders, Watering Devices, Watering Cans, Pressure Cookers, Rice Cookers, Milk Boilers. Cooking Pots; Oven Mitts; Potholders; Stew-pans; Frying Pans; Spatulas; Pepper Mills; Salt Mills; Garlic Presses, Mugs, Cups, Glasses, Bowls, Plates, Flask, Insulated Flasks, Shaving Brushes, Shaving Brush Stands, Combs For The Hair
Business Name Mohammad Ali, Humayun Zafar And Abdullah Zafar
Business Type Indidual
Business Sector Manufacturing

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