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TRADEMARK NAME Myriad snap implant system

myriad snap implant system

By: Dr. Shahvir Nooreyezdan

Medical And Surgical Instruments Including Surgical Drills, Surgical Taps, Placement Heads, Handpiece Adapter For Placement Head, Locking Drill Extender, Surgical And Stabilizing Wrenches, Surgical Ratchet, Ratchet Extenders, Ratchet Conversion Adapters, Conversion Handles, Irrigation Port Cleaner, Surgical Depth Probe, Parallel Pins, Cover Screws, Surgical Drivers, Forceps, Round Marking Burs, Bone Profilers, Tissue Measuring Gauge, Disposable Tissue Punches, Surgical Mallet Implant Tapper, All For Dental Surgery, Dental Prostheses And Attachments And Accessories Therefore, Namely Abutments, Abutment Screws, Fastening Screws, Coping Screw, Abutment Try In Set, Temporary Cap, Healing Cap, Custom Prep Abutment, Implant Analogs, Gold Sleeve, Plastic Sleeve, Combo Sleeves, Temporary Sleeve, Gold Cylinder, Impression Post, Waxing Pins, Retention Inserts, Assembly With Lab Spacer, Seating Tools, Analog, Titanium Keeper, Clinical O Rings, Processing O Rings, Dental Implants And Accessories Included In Class 10

Suitable industries
Medical Apparatus
Words that describe this logo
Medical Surgical Instruments Including Surgical Drills Surgical

Trademark Details

This Brand Name myriad snap implant system is applied by Dr. Shahvir Nooreyezdan

This Trademark was applied on date 24 December 2010

This Application has been filed by their agent None

Trademark myriad snap implant system
Application No 2074874
Filing Dte 24-12-2010
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number 1667021
Valid Until 24-12-2020
Goods and Service Medical And Surgical Instruments Including Surgical Drills, Surgical Taps, Placement Heads, Handpiece Adapter For Placement Head, Locking Drill Extender, Surgical And Stabilizing Wrenches, Surgical Ratchet, Ratchet Extenders, Ratchet Conversion Adapters, Conversion Handles, Irrigation Port Cleaner, Surgical Depth Probe, Parallel Pins, Cover Screws, Surgical Drivers, Forceps, Round Marking Burs, Bone Profilers, Tissue Measuring Gauge, Disposable Tissue Punches, Surgical Mallet Implant Tapper, All For Dental Surgery, Dental Prostheses And Attachments And Accessories Therefore, Namely Abutments, Abutment Screws, Fastening Screws, Coping Screw, Abutment Try In Set, Temporary Cap, Healing Cap, Custom Prep Abutment, Implant Analogs, Gold Sleeve, Plastic Sleeve, Combo Sleeves, Temporary Sleeve, Gold Cylinder, Impression Post, Waxing Pins, Retention Inserts, Assembly With Lab Spacer, Seating Tools, Analog, Titanium Keeper, Clinical O Rings, Processing O Rings, Dental Implants And Accessories Included In Class 10
Business Name Dr. Shahvir Nooreyezdan
Business Type Proprietor
Business Sector Manufacturing

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