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TRADEMARK NAME Paladin powerful attachment tools (device of sword)


By: Paladin Brands Group, Inc.

Attachments For Aggregate Equipment, Agricultural Equipment, Airport Equipment, Construction Equipment, Demolition Equipment, Forestry Equipment, Landscaping Equipment, Material Handling Equipment, Mining Equipment, Nursery Equipment, Scrap Handling Equipment, Scrap Recycling Equipment, Snow Removal Equipment, Utility Equipment, Namely, Auger Bits, Auger Drives, Anchor Drives, Backhoes, Bale Grapples, Bale Squeezes, Bale Pushes, Bale Movers, Booms, Brooms, Brush Cutters, Buckets, Cabs, Cold Planers, Concrete Claws, Concrete Processors, Conveyor Screws, Couplers, Dozer Blades, Excavator Conversions, Forks, Grapples, Land Sculptors, Manure Buckets, Manure Forks, Mulchers, Post Drivers, Rakes, Rock Saws, Shears, Silage Defacers, Snow Blades, Snow Blowers, Snow Buckets, Snow Pushes, Stump Grinders, Sweepers, Thumbs, Tillers, Tree Shears, Tree Spades, Trenchers, And Vibratory Rollers.

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Trademark Details

This Brand Name PALADIN POWERFUL ATTACHMENT TOOLS (DEVICE OF SWORD) is applied by Paladin Brands Group, Inc.

This Trademark was applied on date 02 November 2012

This Application has been filed by their agent Khaitan & Co.

Application No 2421671
Filing Dte 02-11-2012
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number 2229263
Valid Until 02-11-2032
Goods and Service Attachments For Aggregate Equipment, Agricultural Equipment, Airport Equipment, Construction Equipment, Demolition Equipment, Forestry Equipment, Landscaping Equipment, Material Handling Equipment, Mining Equipment, Nursery Equipment, Scrap Handling Equipment, Scrap Recycling Equipment, Snow Removal Equipment, Utility Equipment, Namely, Auger Bits, Auger Drives, Anchor Drives, Backhoes, Bale Grapples, Bale Squeezes, Bale Pushes, Bale Movers, Booms, Brooms, Brush Cutters, Buckets, Cabs, Cold Planers, Concrete Claws, Concrete Processors, Conveyor Screws, Couplers, Dozer Blades, Excavator Conversions, Forks, Grapples, Land Sculptors, Manure Buckets, Manure Forks, Mulchers, Post Drivers, Rakes, Rock Saws, Shears, Silage Defacers, Snow Blades, Snow Blowers, Snow Buckets, Snow Pushes, Stump Grinders, Sweepers, Thumbs, Tillers, Tree Shears, Tree Spades, Trenchers, And Vibratory Rollers.
Business Name Paladin Brands Group, Inc.
Business Type Private Limited Company
Business Sector Manufacturing

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