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TRADEMARK NAME Pedrini label


By: Pedrini P.p.l. S.p.a.

Non-electric Pasta Crimpers, Bowls, Salad Bowls, Dishwashing Brushes, Cake Molds, Cake Servers, Cookie Cutters, Non Electric Egg Beaters, Egg Poachers, Egg Separators, Egg Cups Not Of Precious Metal, Flour Sifters, Garlic Presses, Graters, Pot And Pan Scrapers, Rolling Pins, Spatulas, Turners, Ladles (kitchen), Skimmers, Whisks, Slotted Spoons, Serving Spoons, Reamers For Fruit Juice, Non-electric Juicers, Lemon Squeezers, Basting Spoons, Mixing Spoons, Pastry Molds, Pudding Molds, Cocktail Shakers, Strainers, Portable Coolers, Ice Crushers, Ice Buckets, Ice Cream Scoops, Gravy Separators, Splatter Screens, Baking Moulds Pan Rest, Steam Controller For Coffee -makers, Bottle Openers And Resealers, Non-electric Cap Lifters, Butter Curlers.*****

Suitable industries
Housewares and Glass
Words that describe this logo
Nonelectric Pasta Crimpers Bowls Salad Bowls Dishwashing

Trademark Details

This Brand Name PEDRINI LABEL is applied by Pedrini P.p.l. S.p.a.

This Trademark was applied on date 31 March 2003

This Application has been filed by their agent L.S. DAVAR & CO.

Application No 1187933
Filing Dte 31-03-2003
User Detail 31/12/1999
Certificate Number 487266
Valid Until 31-03-2033
Goods and Service Non-electric Pasta Crimpers, Bowls, Salad Bowls, Dishwashing Brushes, Cake Molds, Cake Servers, Cookie Cutters, Non Electric Egg Beaters, Egg Poachers, Egg Separators, Egg Cups Not Of Precious Metal, Flour Sifters, Garlic Presses, Graters, Pot And Pan Scrapers, Rolling Pins, Spatulas, Turners, Ladles (kitchen), Skimmers, Whisks, Slotted Spoons, Serving Spoons, Reamers For Fruit Juice, Non-electric Juicers, Lemon Squeezers, Basting Spoons, Mixing Spoons, Pastry Molds, Pudding Molds, Cocktail Shakers, Strainers, Portable Coolers, Ice Crushers, Ice Buckets, Ice Cream Scoops, Gravy Separators, Splatter Screens, Baking Moulds Pan Rest, Steam Controller For Coffee -makers, Bottle Openers And Resealers, Non-electric Cap Lifters, Butter Curlers.*****
Business Name Pedrini P.p.l. S.p.a.
Business Type Private Limited Company
Business Sector Manufacturing

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