pramsh we care. we do
By: Pramsh
Robusta And Arabica Coffee With All Grades Like, Cc, Peaberv, Etc. Coffee Bags And Sachet, Chichory, Black Tea, Green Tea, Flowering Tea, Oolang Tea, Premium Or Delicate Tea, Cold Tea, Cocoa Bean, Cocoa Bean, Cocoa Solids, Cocoa Butter, Praparations Made From Cocoa, Sugar, Brown Sugar, Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose, A Snartame, Rice, White Rice, Brown Rice, Bran Rice, Hull Rice, Grain Rice, Basmati Rice, Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, White Flour, Wheat Flour, Cake Flour, Bread Flour, Pastry Flour, Gluten-free Flour, All Prupose Flour And Preparations Made From Cereals, Ice, Full Solid Ice, Dry Ice, Salts, Table Salt, Kosher Salt, Sea Salt, Himalavan Pink Salt. Celtic Sea Salt, Black Salt (kala Namak), Flake Salt, Smoked Salt, Ensom Salt, Honey, Liquid Honey, Honey Chunks, Raw Honey, Yeast Flavoured Yeast, Natural Yeast, Sauce, Avocado Sauce, Barbecue Sauce, Bread Sauce, Capital Sauce, Cocktail Sauce, Coffee Sauce, Coulis, Fry Sauce, Mignonette Sauce, Mint Sauce, Mushroom Ketchup, Mustard Sauce, Honey Mustard Sauce, Pan Sauce, Salad Dressing, Salsa Sauce, Salsa Dip, Steak Sauce, Sweet Chilli Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Wine Sauce, Barbeque Sauce, Spices, Cardamom, Black Cardamom, Clobe, Cinnamon, Black Pepper, Cumin, Coriander, Nutmeg, Mustard Seeds, Fenugreek, Turmeric Saffron, Red Pepper
Trademark Details
This Brand Name pramsh we care. we do is applied by Pramsh
This Trademark was applied on date 21 March 2018
This Application has been filed by their agent None
Trademark | pramsh we care. we do |
Application No | 3784103 |
Filing Dte | 21-03-2018 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 1986133 |
Valid Until | 21-03-2028 |
Goods and Service | Robusta And Arabica Coffee With All Grades Like, Cc, Peaberv, Etc. Coffee Bags And Sachet, Chichory, Black Tea, Green Tea, Flowering Tea, Oolang Tea, Premium Or Delicate Tea, Cold Tea, Cocoa Bean, Cocoa Bean, Cocoa Solids, Cocoa Butter, Praparations Made From Cocoa, Sugar, Brown Sugar, Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose, A Snartame, Rice, White Rice, Brown Rice, Bran Rice, Hull Rice, Grain Rice, Basmati Rice, Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, White Flour, Wheat Flour, Cake Flour, Bread Flour, Pastry Flour, Gluten-free Flour, All Prupose Flour And Preparations Made From Cereals, Ice, Full Solid Ice, Dry Ice, Salts, Table Salt, Kosher Salt, Sea Salt, Himalavan Pink Salt. Celtic Sea Salt, Black Salt (kala Namak), Flake Salt, Smoked Salt, Ensom Salt, Honey, Liquid Honey, Honey Chunks, Raw Honey, Yeast Flavoured Yeast, Natural Yeast, Sauce, Avocado Sauce, Barbecue Sauce, Bread Sauce, Capital Sauce, Cocktail Sauce, Coffee Sauce, Coulis, Fry Sauce, Mignonette Sauce, Mint Sauce, Mushroom Ketchup, Mustard Sauce, Honey Mustard Sauce, Pan Sauce, Salad Dressing, Salsa Sauce, Salsa Dip, Steak Sauce, Sweet Chilli Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Wine Sauce, Barbeque Sauce, Spices, Cardamom, Black Cardamom, Clobe, Cinnamon, Black Pepper, Cumin, Coriander, Nutmeg, Mustard Seeds, Fenugreek, Turmeric Saffron, Red Pepper |
Business Name | Pramsh |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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