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By: Daughterss Hospitality India Private Limited

Vegetables, Prepared,sliced Vegetables, Fermented Vegetables, Cut Vegetables,processed Egetables,salted Vegetables, Tinned Vegetables, Preserved Vegetables, Cooked Vegetables, Grilled Vegetables, Dried Vegetables, Pickled Vegetables, Tempura Vegetables, Bottled Vegetables, Lyophilized Vegetables, Canned Vegetables, Frozen Vegetables, Chinese Black Vegetables, Processed Root Vegetables, Prepared Raw Vegetables, Raw Vegetables, Peeled, Raw Vegetables, Sliced, Prepared Uncooked Vegetables, Processed Fruits And Vegetables, Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Vegetables, Desserts Consisting Primarily Of Meat, Fish, Poultry Or Vegetables, Fruits, Processed, Fruits, Cooked, Fruits, Dried, Fruits, Prepared, Sliced Fruits, Cut Fruits, Tinned Fruits, Canned Fruits, Glazed Fruits, Pickled Fruits, Frosted Fruits, Bottled Fruits, Frozen Fruits, Crystallized Fruits, Fruits In Syrup, Yogurt Containing Pulped Fruits, Vacuum-packed Preserved Fruits, Mincemeat Made From Fruits, Milk- Based Beverages Containing Fruits, Mixed Dried Fruits, Processed Seeds And Shelled Nuts, Snack Mixes Consisting Of Processed Fruits, Processed Nuts Or Raisins, Fruits, Dried, Mixed Dried Fruits And Roasted Nuts, Preserved, Dried And Cooked Fruits And Vegetables, Mixed Dried Fruits And Toasted Nuts, Mixed Dried Fruits And Shelled Nuts, Mixed Dried Fruits And Nuts Cheese Containing Spices, Corn On The Cob Prepared With Spices, Nut Oils, Edible Oils, Spiced Oils, Edible Vegetable Oils, Blended Vegetable Oils, Pine Kernel Oils, Oils For Food, Hydrogenated Oils For Food, Hardened Oils For Food, Vegetable Oils For Food, Edible Oils And Fats For Use As Culinary Thinning Agents, Edible Oils Derived From Fish , Animal Oils For Culinary Purposes, Edible Marine Oils For Culinary Purposes, Animal Oils For Food, Cottonseed Oils For Culinary Purposes, Aaloo Papad (potato Based Snacks), Aamla Murabba (processed Gooseberries), Aamla Supari (processed Gooseberries), Albumin Milk, Almond Milk-based Beverages, Almond Milk Being Milk Substitute, Almond Milk For Culinary Purposes, Almond Milk In Powder Form, Almond Oil, Aloe Vera Prepared For Human Consumption, Argan Oil, Arrangements Of Processed Fruit, Artificial Cream, Avocado Oil, Baked Beans In Tomato Sauce, Bamboo Pith, Processed, Banana Paste [banana Crumbled With Sugar Syrup And Cinnamon], Bases For Making Milkshakes, Bean Curd, Beef, Bitter Gourd Oil, Black Pudding, Blueberry Jams, Bone Oil For Food, Brazil Nut Oil, Butter Cream, Buttermilk, Camellia Seed Oil For Food, Canned Meat, Fish, Vegetables And Fruits, Canola Oil For Culinary Purposes, Cheese, Cherry Jam, Chicken, Cocktail Olives, Clam Juice, Cocoa Butter For Food, Cocoa Flavoured Milk Beverages , Coconut Powder, Coffee Whiteners Consisting Principally Of Dairy Products, Condensed Milk, Cooked Sesame Seeds, Not Being Seasonings Or Flavourings, Corn Oil For Food, Cream-based Preparations For Making Frozen Yoghurt, Dairy-based Beverages, Date Seed Oil, Dal , Dates, Desserts Consisting Primarily Of Meat, Fish, Poultry Or Vegetables, Dried Eggs, Dried Fish, Dried Milk-based Products For Use As Meal Replacements, Edible Fats, Egg Substitutes, Eggplants, Processed, Eggs, Milk And Milk Products, Fermented Milk, Fermented Dairy Products, Fish And Chips, Fish Products Prepared For Human Consumption, Flavoured Milk Beverages, Frozen Pre-packaged Main Courses Consisting Primarily Of Seafood, Frozen Meals Consisting Primarily Of Meat, Fish, Poultry Or Vegetables, Fruit-based Fermented Lactic Acid Bacteria Beverages, Other Than Milk Substitutes, Fruit Fool [fruit-based Dessert With Whipped Cream], Garlic Paste For Culinary Purposes, Grapefruit Seed Oil, Half And Half [milk And Cream Mixture], Infused Oils For Culinary Purposes, Insect-based Preparations For Making Milk Shakes, Jams, Kimchi Jjigae [korean Dish Consisting Primarily Of Fermented Vegetables, Pork And Tofu], Lavander Oil For Culinary Purposes, Lemon Oil For Culinary Purposes, Lemon Juice For Culinary Purposes, Lemon Curd, Mangoes, Processed, Marinated Eggs, Mixed Dried Fruits And Roasted Nuts, Mixed Dried Fruits And Shelled Nuts, Mozzarella Sticks, Nut Butter, Yoghurt, Whipped Cream, Wheatgrass Juice For Culinary Purposes, Whale Oil For Culinary Purposes, Verjuice. Virgin Olive Oil, Watercress Juice For Culinary Purposes, Vegetable Concentrates For Culinary Purposes, Truffle Juice, Tinned Meat, Fish, Vegetables And Fruits, Tea Seed Oil, Sunflower Oil,soya Milk For Culinary Purposes, Soy Bean Oil For Food, Soups, Smoked Seafood Products, Sesame Oil, Rice Milk, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Pulses Prepared For Human Consumption, Potatoes, Processed, Pork, Pickled Ginger, Pickled Garlic, Perilla Oil For Culinary Purposes, Peanut Oil.

Suitable industries
Meats and Processed Foods

Trademark Details

This Brand Name ROLLSTIC is applied by Daughterss Hospitality India Private Limited

This Trademark was applied on date 01 April 2024

This Application has been filed by their agent PURI & PURI (ADVOCATES)

Trademark ROLLSTIC
Application No 6367954
Filing Dte 01-04-2024
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number 3772693
Valid Until 01-04-2034
Goods and Service Vegetables, Prepared,sliced Vegetables, Fermented Vegetables, Cut Vegetables,processed Egetables,salted Vegetables, Tinned Vegetables, Preserved Vegetables, Cooked Vegetables, Grilled Vegetables, Dried Vegetables, Pickled Vegetables, Tempura Vegetables, Bottled Vegetables, Lyophilized Vegetables, Canned Vegetables, Frozen Vegetables, Chinese Black Vegetables, Processed Root Vegetables, Prepared Raw Vegetables, Raw Vegetables, Peeled, Raw Vegetables, Sliced, Prepared Uncooked Vegetables, Processed Fruits And Vegetables, Prepared Meals Consisting Principally Of Vegetables, Desserts Consisting Primarily Of Meat, Fish, Poultry Or Vegetables, Fruits, Processed, Fruits, Cooked, Fruits, Dried, Fruits, Prepared, Sliced Fruits, Cut Fruits, Tinned Fruits, Canned Fruits, Glazed Fruits, Pickled Fruits, Frosted Fruits, Bottled Fruits, Frozen Fruits, Crystallized Fruits, Fruits In Syrup, Yogurt Containing Pulped Fruits, Vacuum-packed Preserved Fruits, Mincemeat Made From Fruits, Milk- Based Beverages Containing Fruits, Mixed Dried Fruits, Processed Seeds And Shelled Nuts, Snack Mixes Consisting Of Processed Fruits, Processed Nuts Or Raisins, Fruits, Dried, Mixed Dried Fruits And Roasted Nuts, Preserved, Dried And Cooked Fruits And Vegetables, Mixed Dried Fruits And Toasted Nuts, Mixed Dried Fruits And Shelled Nuts, Mixed Dried Fruits And Nuts Cheese Containing Spices, Corn On The Cob Prepared With Spices, Nut Oils, Edible Oils, Spiced Oils, Edible Vegetable Oils, Blended Vegetable Oils, Pine Kernel Oils, Oils For Food, Hydrogenated Oils For Food, Hardened Oils For Food, Vegetable Oils For Food, Edible Oils And Fats For Use As Culinary Thinning Agents, Edible Oils Derived From Fish , Animal Oils For Culinary Purposes, Edible Marine Oils For Culinary Purposes, Animal Oils For Food, Cottonseed Oils For Culinary Purposes, Aaloo Papad (potato Based Snacks), Aamla Murabba (processed Gooseberries), Aamla Supari (processed Gooseberries), Albumin Milk, Almond Milk-based Beverages, Almond Milk Being Milk Substitute, Almond Milk For Culinary Purposes, Almond Milk In Powder Form, Almond Oil, Aloe Vera Prepared For Human Consumption, Argan Oil, Arrangements Of Processed Fruit, Artificial Cream, Avocado Oil, Baked Beans In Tomato Sauce, Bamboo Pith, Processed, Banana Paste [banana Crumbled With Sugar Syrup And Cinnamon], Bases For Making Milkshakes, Bean Curd, Beef, Bitter Gourd Oil, Black Pudding, Blueberry Jams, Bone Oil For Food, Brazil Nut Oil, Butter Cream, Buttermilk, Camellia Seed Oil For Food, Canned Meat, Fish, Vegetables And Fruits, Canola Oil For Culinary Purposes, Cheese, Cherry Jam, Chicken, Cocktail Olives, Clam Juice, Cocoa Butter For Food, Cocoa Flavoured Milk Beverages , Coconut Powder, Coffee Whiteners Consisting Principally Of Dairy Products, Condensed Milk, Cooked Sesame Seeds, Not Being Seasonings Or Flavourings, Corn Oil For Food, Cream-based Preparations For Making Frozen Yoghurt, Dairy-based Beverages, Date Seed Oil, Dal , Dates, Desserts Consisting Primarily Of Meat, Fish, Poultry Or Vegetables, Dried Eggs, Dried Fish, Dried Milk-based Products For Use As Meal Replacements, Edible Fats, Egg Substitutes, Eggplants, Processed, Eggs, Milk And Milk Products, Fermented Milk, Fermented Dairy Products, Fish And Chips, Fish Products Prepared For Human Consumption, Flavoured Milk Beverages, Frozen Pre-packaged Main Courses Consisting Primarily Of Seafood, Frozen Meals Consisting Primarily Of Meat, Fish, Poultry Or Vegetables, Fruit-based Fermented Lactic Acid Bacteria Beverages, Other Than Milk Substitutes, Fruit Fool [fruit-based Dessert With Whipped Cream], Garlic Paste For Culinary Purposes, Grapefruit Seed Oil, Half And Half [milk And Cream Mixture], Infused Oils For Culinary Purposes, Insect-based Preparations For Making Milk Shakes, Jams, Kimchi Jjigae [korean Dish Consisting Primarily Of Fermented Vegetables, Pork And Tofu], Lavander Oil For Culinary Purposes, Lemon Oil For Culinary Purposes, Lemon Juice For Culinary Purposes, Lemon Curd, Mangoes, Processed, Marinated Eggs, Mixed Dried Fruits And Roasted Nuts, Mixed Dried Fruits And Shelled Nuts, Mozzarella Sticks, Nut Butter, Yoghurt, Whipped Cream, Wheatgrass Juice For Culinary Purposes, Whale Oil For Culinary Purposes, Verjuice. Virgin Olive Oil, Watercress Juice For Culinary Purposes, Vegetable Concentrates For Culinary Purposes, Truffle Juice, Tinned Meat, Fish, Vegetables And Fruits, Tea Seed Oil, Sunflower Oil,soya Milk For Culinary Purposes, Soy Bean Oil For Food, Soups, Smoked Seafood Products, Sesame Oil, Rice Milk, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Pulses Prepared For Human Consumption, Potatoes, Processed, Pork, Pickled Ginger, Pickled Garlic, Perilla Oil For Culinary Purposes, Peanut Oil.
Business Name Daughterss Hospitality India Private Limited
Business Type Private Limited Company
Business Sector Manufacturing

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