Summer Solstice
By: Orchid Craft Beverages Pvt. Ltd.
Coffee; Coffee-based-beverages; Condiments; Dressings For Salads; Flavourings Other Than Essential Oils For Beverages; Flavourings Other Than Essential Oils For Foods; Cinnamon Spice; Cloves Spice; Chutneys Condiments; Cocoa Based Beverages ; Honey; Iced Tea; Ketchups; Malt Extract For Food; Marzipan; Mayonnaise; Mustard Meal; Mustard Dips; Aromatic Preparations For Food; Pepper Seasonings; Sauces (condiments) ; Spices; Tea; Tea Based Beverages; Flowers Or Leaves As Tea Substitutes; Almond Paste; Beer Vinegar; Biscuits; Cookies; Chips; Chicory (coffee Substitute); Tomato Sauce; Vanilla Favourings; Vinegar; Frozen Yoghurt ; Pizzas ; Pasta Sauce; Malt For Human Consumption; Marinades; Fruit Jellies; Curry (spice) ; All Spices ; Fruit Coulis (sauces); Ginger (spice) High Protein Cereal Bars; Husked Oats; Maltose; Noodles / Ribbon Vermicelli
Words that describe this logo
Coffee Coffeebasedbeverages Condiments Dressings Salads Flavourings OtherTrademark Details
This Brand Name Summer Solstice is applied by Orchid Craft Beverages Pvt. Ltd.
This Trademark was applied on date 25 April 2023
This Application has been filed by their agent PRERAK HORA
Trademark | Summer Solstice |
Application No | 5908678 |
Filing Dte | 25-04-2023 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 3535724 |
Valid Until | 25-04-2033 |
Goods and Service | Coffee; Coffee-based-beverages; Condiments; Dressings For Salads; Flavourings Other Than Essential Oils For Beverages; Flavourings Other Than Essential Oils For Foods; Cinnamon Spice; Cloves Spice; Chutneys Condiments; Cocoa Based Beverages ; Honey; Iced Tea; Ketchups; Malt Extract For Food; Marzipan; Mayonnaise; Mustard Meal; Mustard Dips; Aromatic Preparations For Food; Pepper Seasonings; Sauces (condiments) ; Spices; Tea; Tea Based Beverages; Flowers Or Leaves As Tea Substitutes; Almond Paste; Beer Vinegar; Biscuits; Cookies; Chips; Chicory (coffee Substitute); Tomato Sauce; Vanilla Favourings; Vinegar; Frozen Yoghurt ; Pizzas ; Pasta Sauce; Malt For Human Consumption; Marinades; Fruit Jellies; Curry (spice) ; All Spices ; Fruit Coulis (sauces); Ginger (spice) High Protein Cereal Bars; Husked Oats; Maltose; Noodles / Ribbon Vermicelli |
Business Name | Orchid Craft Beverages Pvt. Ltd. |
Business Type | Private Limited Company |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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