By: Amar Preet Singh
Ground And Whole Bean Coffee; Coffee-based Beverages; Cocoa; Chocolate-based Beverages; Tea And Herbal Tea; Tea And Herbal Tea-based Beverages; Coffee-based Beverage Mix; Espresso-based Beverage Mix; Chocolate-based Beverage Mix; Tea-based Beverage Mix; Herbal Tea-based Beverage Mix; Frozen Confections, Namely, Ice Cream, Ice Milk, Frozen Yogurt, Frozen Confections With Tea, Herbal Tea And/or Fruit Flavouring; Flavourings, Other Than Essential Oils, For Beverages; Powdered Chocolate; Vanilla Flavouring; Chocolate And Candy Confections; Baked Goods, Namely, Muffins, Scones, Biscuits, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Pastries, Quiches And Breads; Sandwiches; Pizzas; Prepared Meals Consisting Primarily Of Pasta; Prepared Meals Consisting Primarily Of Rice; Prepared Meals Consisting Primarily Of Grains; Chocolate-based Spreads; Processed Cereal-derived Food Product To Be Used As A Breakfast Cereal; Oatmeal; Grain-based Snack Foods; Crackers; Popcorn; Sugar; Honey; Agave Syrup; Sauces, Namely Condiments To Add To Beverages; Salad Dressings; Ready-made Baking Mixtures, Food Starch, Sugar, Sugar For Jam, Vanilla Sugar, Vanilla Sugar, Frostings, Sugar Substitutes; Yeast; Baking Powder, Powdered Cream For Cakes, Glaze, Flavourings For Cakes And Essences, Other Than Essential Oils; Bread And Pastry Products; Chocolate, Chocolate Goods And Sweets; Invert Sugar Syrup; Raw Marzipan Mixtures, Raw Persipan Mixtures; Nougat Creams, Coatings, Cocoa, Cocoa, Chocolate And Sugar Glazes, Chocolate And Sugar Sprinkles, Chocolate Shavings, Edible Paper, Brittle, Fondant; Fruit Sauces; Mocha Beans; Stiffening Agents For Whipped Cream; Sauces And Sauce Preparations; Spices And Seasonings, Relishes, Condiments; Baking Soda ; Cakes, Gingerbread, Bread, Honey; Jelly, Sweet Groats; Edible Ices; Prepared Desserts.
Trademark Details
This Brand Name TWC is applied by Amar Preet Singh
This Trademark was applied on date 18 December 2021
This Application has been filed by their agent ADWITYA LEGAL LLP
Trademark | TWC |
Application No | 5252832 |
Filing Dte | 18-12-2021 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | |
Valid Until | |
Goods and Service | Ground And Whole Bean Coffee; Coffee-based Beverages; Cocoa; Chocolate-based Beverages; Tea And Herbal Tea; Tea And Herbal Tea-based Beverages; Coffee-based Beverage Mix; Espresso-based Beverage Mix; Chocolate-based Beverage Mix; Tea-based Beverage Mix; Herbal Tea-based Beverage Mix; Frozen Confections, Namely, Ice Cream, Ice Milk, Frozen Yogurt, Frozen Confections With Tea, Herbal Tea And/or Fruit Flavouring; Flavourings, Other Than Essential Oils, For Beverages; Powdered Chocolate; Vanilla Flavouring; Chocolate And Candy Confections; Baked Goods, Namely, Muffins, Scones, Biscuits, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Pastries, Quiches And Breads; Sandwiches; Pizzas; Prepared Meals Consisting Primarily Of Pasta; Prepared Meals Consisting Primarily Of Rice; Prepared Meals Consisting Primarily Of Grains; Chocolate-based Spreads; Processed Cereal-derived Food Product To Be Used As A Breakfast Cereal; Oatmeal; Grain-based Snack Foods; Crackers; Popcorn; Sugar; Honey; Agave Syrup; Sauces, Namely Condiments To Add To Beverages; Salad Dressings; Ready-made Baking Mixtures, Food Starch, Sugar, Sugar For Jam, Vanilla Sugar, Vanilla Sugar, Frostings, Sugar Substitutes; Yeast; Baking Powder, Powdered Cream For Cakes, Glaze, Flavourings For Cakes And Essences, Other Than Essential Oils; Bread And Pastry Products; Chocolate, Chocolate Goods And Sweets; Invert Sugar Syrup; Raw Marzipan Mixtures, Raw Persipan Mixtures; Nougat Creams, Coatings, Cocoa, Cocoa, Chocolate And Sugar Glazes, Chocolate And Sugar Sprinkles, Chocolate Shavings, Edible Paper, Brittle, Fondant; Fruit Sauces; Mocha Beans; Stiffening Agents For Whipped Cream; Sauces And Sauce Preparations; Spices And Seasonings, Relishes, Condiments; Baking Soda ; Cakes, Gingerbread, Bread, Honey; Jelly, Sweet Groats; Edible Ices; Prepared Desserts. |
Business Name | Amar Preet Singh |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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