By: Vishal Bhardwaj
Electronic Components For Computers, Documentcameras, Virtual Reality Software, Virtual Reality Hardware, Vpn Hardware, Particle Classifying Apparatus,compact Digital Cameras, Graphics Tablets, Thin Client, Thin Clientcomputers, Computers, Computer Chassis, Computer Systems,computer Buses, Computer Buffers, Hardware (computer -) ,computer Scanners, Computer Stands, Computer Touch Screens,computer Chipsets, Computer Mainframes, Protective Covers Andcases For Cell Phones, Laptops And Portable Media Players, Sleevesfor Laptops, Laptops And Portable Media Players, Bags Adapted Forlaptops, Computer Software, Computer Screen Saver Software,computer Antivirus Software, Computer Software Programs,computer Software Packages, Computer Software Applications,enterprise Resource Planning Software, Accounting Software,interactive Flat Panel, Ptz Camera, Educational Camera, Vc Camera,speakerphone, Mic, Video Wall, Digital Standee.
Words that describe this logo
Electronic Components Computers Documentcameras Virtual Reality Software
Trademark Details
This Brand Name VASTLINE is applied by Vishal Bhardwaj
This Trademark was applied on date 28 February 2023
This Application has been filed by their agent LOKENDER SINGH SHEKHAWAT
Trademark | VASTLINE |
Application No | 5827019 |
Filing Dte | 28-02-2023 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 3396032 |
Valid Until | 28-02-2033 |
Goods and Service | Electronic Components For Computers, Documentcameras, Virtual Reality Software, Virtual Reality Hardware, Vpn Hardware, Particle Classifying Apparatus,compact Digital Cameras, Graphics Tablets, Thin Client, Thin Clientcomputers, Computers, Computer Chassis, Computer Systems,computer Buses, Computer Buffers, Hardware (computer -) ,computer Scanners, Computer Stands, Computer Touch Screens,computer Chipsets, Computer Mainframes, Protective Covers Andcases For Cell Phones, Laptops And Portable Media Players, Sleevesfor Laptops, Laptops And Portable Media Players, Bags Adapted Forlaptops, Computer Software, Computer Screen Saver Software,computer Antivirus Software, Computer Software Programs,computer Software Packages, Computer Software Applications,enterprise Resource Planning Software, Accounting Software,interactive Flat Panel, Ptz Camera, Educational Camera, Vc Camera,speakerphone, Mic, Video Wall, Digital Standee. |
Business Name | Vishal Bhardwaj |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |

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