By: Yatin Gupte
Acetyl-nitrocellulose, Air Pistols , Ammonium Nitrate Explosives, Ammunition, Ammunition For Firearms, Apparatus For Filling Cartridge Belts, Artillery Guns , Automatic Firearm Ammunition Belts, Ballistic Weapons / Ballistic Missiles, Belts Adapted For Ammunition, Bengal Lights, Breeches Of Firearms, Cannons, Cartridge Cases, Cartridge Loading Apparatus, Cartridge Pouches, Cartridges, Cleaning Brushes For Firearms, Detonating Caps, Other Than Toys / Percussion Caps, Other Than Toys, Detonating Fuses For Explosives / Firing Lanyards For Explosives, Detonating Plugs, Detonators, Dynamite, Explosive Cartridges, Explosive Powders, Explosives, Firearms, Firecrackers, Fireworks, Firing Platforms, Flare Pistols, Fog Signals, Explosive, Fuses For Explosives, Fuses For Explosives, For Use In Mines, Gun Carriages , Guncotton / Pyroxylin, Gunpowder, Guns , Gunstocks, Hammers For Guns And Rifles / Hammers For Guns / Hammers For Rifles, Hand Grenades, Harpoon Guns , Hunting Firearms / Sporting Firearms, Lead Shot For Hunting, Machine Guns, Mines , Mortars , Motorized Weapons, Noise-suppressors For Guns, Pistols , Powder Horns, Primings , Projectiles , Pyrophoric Substances, Pyrotechnic Products, Rescue Flares, Explosive Or Pyrotechnic, Revolvers, Rifle Barrels / Gun Barrels, Rifle Cases / Gun Cases, Rifles / Carbines, Rocket Launchers, Rockets , Shells , Shoulder Straps For Weapons / Bandoliers For Weapons, Side Arms , Sighting Mirrors For Guns And Rifles / Sighting Mirrors For Guns / Sighting Mirrors For Rifles, Sights, Other Than Telescopic Sights, For Artillery, Sights, Other Than Telescopic Sights, For Firearms, Signal Rocket Flares, Sprays For Personal Defence Purposes / Sprays For Personal Defense Purposes, Tanks , Tear-gas Weapons, Torpedoes, Trigger Guards For Guns And Rifles / Trigger Guards For Rifles, Trunnions For Heavy Weapons.
Words that describe this logo
Acetylnitrocellulose Pistols Ammonium Nitrate Explosives Ammunition Ammunition
Trademark Details
This Brand Name WARDWIZARD is applied by Yatin Gupte
This Trademark was applied on date 24 February 2022
This Application has been filed by their agent YASH SURYAWALA
Trademark | WARDWIZARD |
Application No | 5343040 |
Filing Dte | 24-02-2022 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 3070555 |
Valid Until | 24-02-2032 |
Goods and Service | Acetyl-nitrocellulose, Air Pistols , Ammonium Nitrate Explosives, Ammunition, Ammunition For Firearms, Apparatus For Filling Cartridge Belts, Artillery Guns , Automatic Firearm Ammunition Belts, Ballistic Weapons / Ballistic Missiles, Belts Adapted For Ammunition, Bengal Lights, Breeches Of Firearms, Cannons, Cartridge Cases, Cartridge Loading Apparatus, Cartridge Pouches, Cartridges, Cleaning Brushes For Firearms, Detonating Caps, Other Than Toys / Percussion Caps, Other Than Toys, Detonating Fuses For Explosives / Firing Lanyards For Explosives, Detonating Plugs, Detonators, Dynamite, Explosive Cartridges, Explosive Powders, Explosives, Firearms, Firecrackers, Fireworks, Firing Platforms, Flare Pistols, Fog Signals, Explosive, Fuses For Explosives, Fuses For Explosives, For Use In Mines, Gun Carriages , Guncotton / Pyroxylin, Gunpowder, Guns , Gunstocks, Hammers For Guns And Rifles / Hammers For Guns / Hammers For Rifles, Hand Grenades, Harpoon Guns , Hunting Firearms / Sporting Firearms, Lead Shot For Hunting, Machine Guns, Mines , Mortars , Motorized Weapons, Noise-suppressors For Guns, Pistols , Powder Horns, Primings , Projectiles , Pyrophoric Substances, Pyrotechnic Products, Rescue Flares, Explosive Or Pyrotechnic, Revolvers, Rifle Barrels / Gun Barrels, Rifle Cases / Gun Cases, Rifles / Carbines, Rocket Launchers, Rockets , Shells , Shoulder Straps For Weapons / Bandoliers For Weapons, Side Arms , Sighting Mirrors For Guns And Rifles / Sighting Mirrors For Guns / Sighting Mirrors For Rifles, Sights, Other Than Telescopic Sights, For Artillery, Sights, Other Than Telescopic Sights, For Firearms, Signal Rocket Flares, Sprays For Personal Defence Purposes / Sprays For Personal Defense Purposes, Tanks , Tear-gas Weapons, Torpedoes, Trigger Guards For Guns And Rifles / Trigger Guards For Rifles, Trunnions For Heavy Weapons. |
Business Name | Yatin Gupte |
Business Type | Proprietor |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |

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