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By: Shashi Bhushan Prasad

Adhesive Bras, Ankle Boots, Socks, Anti-sweat Underclothing, Aprons, Articles Of Clothing, Athletic Clothing, Athletic Footwear, Athletic Shoes, Athletic Uniforms, Babies' Clothing, Baby Boots, Baby Clothes, Balaclavas, Ballet Shoes, Basketball Shoes, Bath Robes, Bath Sandels, Bathing Costumes, Bathing Suits, Bikinis, Blazers, Blouses, Blue Jeans, Body Stockings, Body Warmers, Jackets, Boots, Boxer Briefs, Boxer Shorts, Bra Straps, Bras, Braces, Bridal Gowns, Camouflage Pants, Caps, Casual Clothing, Casual Footwear, Children's Clothing, Clothing, Coats, Collared Shirts, Corsets, Costumes, Crop Tops, Cycling Shorts,dance Clothing, Denim , Dresses, Earbands, Hats, Vests, Flip-flops, Football Boots, Football Jerseys, Footwear, Formal Wear, Muffs, G-strings, Gloves, Golf Pants, Shirts And Skirts, Gowns, Gymwear, Headgear, Heels, Hoodies, Infant Wear, Insoles, Jeans, Jerseys, Jogging Sets , Kiminos, Knitwear, Leather Clothing, Leather Shoes, Leggings, Lingerie, Light Reflecting Coats, Masks(sleep -), Maternity Clothing, Menswear, Men's Underwear, Moccasin, Miniskirts, Motorcycle Gloves, Motorcycle Jackets, Motorcyclists' Clothing, Nightdresses, Pajamas, Panties, Paper Clothing, Pedicure Sandals, Rain Wear, Religious Garments, Running Shoes, Sandals, Shapewear, Shoes, Shirts, Silk Clothing, Sleepwear, Sneakers, Slips, Sports Clothing, Sports Shoes, Sports Shirts, Stockings, Strapless Bras, Suits, Visors, Sweaters, Sweat Bands, Sweatshirts, Swim Suits, Swimwear, T-shirts, Thongs, Trousers, Underwear, Walking Shoes, Waterproof Clothing, Waterproof Shoes, Wetsuits, Wind Jackets, Women's Clothing, Woolen Clothing, Wrist Bands, Yoga Pants, Yoga Bottoms, Yoga Shirts, Yoga Shoes

Suitable industries
Words that describe this logo
Adhesive Bras Ankle Boots Socks Antisweat Underclothing

Trademark Details

This Brand Name Wearslim is applied by Shashi Bhushan Prasad

This Trademark was applied on date 14 January 2019

This Application has been filed by their agent SANJEEV KUMAR

Trademark Wearslim
Application No 4056074
Filing Dte 14-01-2019
User Detail 24/04/2018
Certificate Number 3050123
Valid Until 14-01-2029
Goods and Service Adhesive Bras, Ankle Boots, Socks, Anti-sweat Underclothing, Aprons, Articles Of Clothing, Athletic Clothing, Athletic Footwear, Athletic Shoes, Athletic Uniforms, Babies' Clothing, Baby Boots, Baby Clothes, Balaclavas, Ballet Shoes, Basketball Shoes, Bath Robes, Bath Sandels, Bathing Costumes, Bathing Suits, Bikinis, Blazers, Blouses, Blue Jeans, Body Stockings, Body Warmers, Jackets, Boots, Boxer Briefs, Boxer Shorts, Bra Straps, Bras, Braces, Bridal Gowns, Camouflage Pants, Caps, Casual Clothing, Casual Footwear, Children's Clothing, Clothing, Coats, Collared Shirts, Corsets, Costumes, Crop Tops, Cycling Shorts,dance Clothing, Denim , Dresses, Earbands, Hats, Vests, Flip-flops, Football Boots, Football Jerseys, Footwear, Formal Wear, Muffs, G-strings, Gloves, Golf Pants, Shirts And Skirts, Gowns, Gymwear, Headgear, Heels, Hoodies, Infant Wear, Insoles, Jeans, Jerseys, Jogging Sets , Kiminos, Knitwear, Leather Clothing, Leather Shoes, Leggings, Lingerie, Light Reflecting Coats, Masks(sleep -), Maternity Clothing, Menswear, Men's Underwear, Moccasin, Miniskirts, Motorcycle Gloves, Motorcycle Jackets, Motorcyclists' Clothing, Nightdresses, Pajamas, Panties, Paper Clothing, Pedicure Sandals, Rain Wear, Religious Garments, Running Shoes, Sandals, Shapewear, Shoes, Shirts, Silk Clothing, Sleepwear, Sneakers, Slips, Sports Clothing, Sports Shoes, Sports Shirts, Stockings, Strapless Bras, Suits, Visors, Sweaters, Sweat Bands, Sweatshirts, Swim Suits, Swimwear, T-shirts, Thongs, Trousers, Underwear, Walking Shoes, Waterproof Clothing, Waterproof Shoes, Wetsuits, Wind Jackets, Women's Clothing, Woolen Clothing, Wrist Bands, Yoga Pants, Yoga Bottoms, Yoga Shirts, Yoga Shoes
Business Name Shashi Bhushan Prasad
Business Type Proprietor
Business Sector Manufacturing

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