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By: Mr. Shubham Goel S/o Mr. Rajesh Kumar Goel Proprietor Of M/s Aka

Readymade Garments, Hosiery Garments, Religious Garments, Foundation Garments, Down Garments, Casual Clothing, Embroidered Clothing, Latex Clothing, Thermal Clothing, Cashmere Clothing, Infant Clothing, Face Mask (clothing), Plush Clothing, Windproof Clothing, Waterproof Clothing, Work Clothes, Weatherproof Clothing, Linen Clothing, Swadding Clothes, Articles Of Outer Clothing, Parts Of Clothing Footwears & Head Gears, Clothing Containing Slimming Subtances, Clothing Layettes, Braces For Clothing, Knitted Clothing, Jeans, Denim Jeans, Ladies Wears, Men’s Wears, New Born Baby Wear, Kids Wears, Shirts, Tennis Shirts, Mock Turtleneck Shirts, T-shirts, Printed T-shirts, Sweat Shirt, Snap Crotch Shirts For Infants And Toddlers, Tops, Weeding Wear, Kurta Paijama, Kurti, Leggings, Nicker, Innerwear, Under Garments, Leather Garments, Leather Belts (clothing), Caps, Muffler, Ties, Jackets, Sweater, Warmers, Barmudas, Bawa Suits, Night Suits, Capris, Socks, Neck Wears, Gloves, Coat Pants, Jogging Suits, Track Suits, Sport Wear, Swim Wear, Party Wear, Wedding Wear, Dance Clothing, Fashion Wears & Wearing Apparels Included In Class 25.

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Trademark Details

This Brand Name WENTOSS is applied by Mr. Shubham Goel S/o Mr. Rajesh Kumar Goel Proprietor Of M/s Aka

This Trademark was applied on date 15 January 2025

This Application has been filed by their agent PURI TRADE MARK CO.

Trademark WENTOSS
Application No 6805707
Filing Dte 15-01-2025
User Detail Proposed to be used
Certificate Number
Valid Until
Goods and Service Readymade Garments, Hosiery Garments, Religious Garments, Foundation Garments, Down Garments, Casual Clothing, Embroidered Clothing, Latex Clothing, Thermal Clothing, Cashmere Clothing, Infant Clothing, Face Mask (clothing), Plush Clothing, Windproof Clothing, Waterproof Clothing, Work Clothes, Weatherproof Clothing, Linen Clothing, Swadding Clothes, Articles Of Outer Clothing, Parts Of Clothing Footwears & Head Gears, Clothing Containing Slimming Subtances, Clothing Layettes, Braces For Clothing, Knitted Clothing, Jeans, Denim Jeans, Ladies Wears, Men’s Wears, New Born Baby Wear, Kids Wears, Shirts, Tennis Shirts, Mock Turtleneck Shirts, T-shirts, Printed T-shirts, Sweat Shirt, Snap Crotch Shirts For Infants And Toddlers, Tops, Weeding Wear, Kurta Paijama, Kurti, Leggings, Nicker, Innerwear, Under Garments, Leather Garments, Leather Belts (clothing), Caps, Muffler, Ties, Jackets, Sweater, Warmers, Barmudas, Bawa Suits, Night Suits, Capris, Socks, Neck Wears, Gloves, Coat Pants, Jogging Suits, Track Suits, Sport Wear, Swim Wear, Party Wear, Wedding Wear, Dance Clothing, Fashion Wears & Wearing Apparels Included In Class 25.
Business Name Mr. Shubham Goel S/o Mr. Rajesh Kumar Goel Proprietor Of M/s Aka
Business Type Proprietor
Business Sector Manufacturing

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