By: Nilkamal Limited
Furniture, Chairs, Tables, Beds, Office Furniture, Bedroom Furniture, Outdoor Furniture, Stools, Tables, Seats (furniture), Sofas, Stools, Tables (furniture), Moulded Furniture, Arm Chairs, Beds, Benches, Book Cases, Cabinets (furniture), Lawn Furniture, Living Room Furniture, Articles (not Included In Other Classes), Index Cabinets, Bathroom Cabinets, Filing Cabinets, Shoe Racks, Display Racks, Storage Racks, Storage Equipments And Systems, Cabinets, Shelves, Racks, Kitchen Cabinets, Modular Kitchens And Its Parts, Furniture Parts (namely Chair Legs, Arm Rest, Back Rest, Seats, Boards), Furniture, Partitions, Wardrobes, Cupboards, Infant Cradles, Miniature Trollery For Household Use, Dining Room Tables, Extendable Sofas, Doors For Furniture, Mirrors (furniture), Mirror Tiles, Picture Frames, Furniture Frames, Plastic Barrels, Bottle Corks, Bottling Racks, Pillow Forms, Cushions, Mattresses, Mattress Cushions, Furniture Pillows, Hangers, Coat Stands, Curtain Rods, Deck Chairs, Decorative Bead Curtains, Desk, Fixed Towel Dispenser (not Of Metal) Included In Class 20.
Trademark Details
This Brand Name @HOME is applied by Nilkamal Limited
This Trademark was applied on date 03 November 2004
This Application has been filed by their agent R.K. DEWAN & CO.
Trademark | @HOME |
Application No | 1318722 |
Filing Dte | 03-11-2004 |
User Detail | Proposed to be used |
Certificate Number | 632884 |
Valid Until | 03-11-2034 |
Goods and Service | Furniture, Chairs, Tables, Beds, Office Furniture, Bedroom Furniture, Outdoor Furniture, Stools, Tables, Seats (furniture), Sofas, Stools, Tables (furniture), Moulded Furniture, Arm Chairs, Beds, Benches, Book Cases, Cabinets (furniture), Lawn Furniture, Living Room Furniture, Articles (not Included In Other Classes), Index Cabinets, Bathroom Cabinets, Filing Cabinets, Shoe Racks, Display Racks, Storage Racks, Storage Equipments And Systems, Cabinets, Shelves, Racks, Kitchen Cabinets, Modular Kitchens And Its Parts, Furniture Parts (namely Chair Legs, Arm Rest, Back Rest, Seats, Boards), Furniture, Partitions, Wardrobes, Cupboards, Infant Cradles, Miniature Trollery For Household Use, Dining Room Tables, Extendable Sofas, Doors For Furniture, Mirrors (furniture), Mirror Tiles, Picture Frames, Furniture Frames, Plastic Barrels, Bottle Corks, Bottling Racks, Pillow Forms, Cushions, Mattresses, Mattress Cushions, Furniture Pillows, Hangers, Coat Stands, Curtain Rods, Deck Chairs, Decorative Bead Curtains, Desk, Fixed Towel Dispenser (not Of Metal) Included In Class 20. |
Business Name | Nilkamal Limited |
Business Type | Private Limited Company |
Business Sector | Manufacturing |
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